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Fortnite’s Avatar Collaboration: Now Live!

Fortnite’s latest “Avatar Update” is live, and a ton of new content has been added to the game. Epic has included multiple elements from the Avatar universe, which includes skins of characters such as Zuko, Katara, and Toph. One slightly surprising change was the removal of rarity in skin variants. It appears that Epic will no longer be indicating the rarity of skins, suggesting that skin prices may increase in the coming seasons. Initially, players were offered multiple skins and accessories in the price range of 2000 to 2500 v-bucks per bundle. But now, each skin costs 2000 v-bucks, and this might mark the start of a new era of skin pricing in Fortnite.


New Avatar Mythic Abilities Now in Fortnite.

Epic has added new mythic abilities based on elements from the Avatar series. The three primary mythic abilities are water bending, fire bending, and earth bending abilities. As the name suggests, Fortnite players are given movement and damage boosts depending on the type of ability they have equipped. Each of these new abilities has new animations, which make the game even brighter and more engaging than it was before.

These abilities were not available at the launch of this new update, but in a few days, as the Airbender Mystery Island gets closer, players can expect to gain access to these abilities. Not every item has been unlocked and available for the island yet. Instead, there’s anticipation for a live event that involves the Airbender Island crashing into the main island to release the Avatar icon main character into the Fortnite island after being frozen for centuries.

What loadouts are Fortnite pros using these days?

With the introduction of so many elements, it’s hard for players to finalize the perfect loadout in the present meta. Among the five slots, ideally, the most optimal loadout would include a close-range gun, a mid-range gun, a long-range gun, heals, and an item for mobility. Depending on how and where players drop, loadouts can be mixed and matched as the game goes on. A common strategy that is being played out these days is to land at Lavish Lair, buy a purple DMR from an NPC, and hire her for her scouting abilities.

Yes, the DMR has had mixed reception from players, but it is a pretty overpowered gun to get in the early stages of the game. As the game progresses, it is better for players to swap the DMR for a scoped assault rifle along with a 4x zoom sniper. The Wings of Icarus still provide solid rotation options, but towards the end game, concussive grenades still dominate the meta. Dropping the wings for concussive grenades might just be the best option for late-game mobility and repositioning.

With the inclusion of major crossovers  frequently entering the game, I’d personally recommend bookmarking the site called Fortnite.gg. This website has managed to keep players up to date about what’s happening in every nook and corner of the map. Players can access a ton of information on where their best-suited items are located and plan their drop accordingly.


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