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Helldivers 2 Devs Plan to Ease Up on Tough Enemies

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Helldivers 2’s initial balance patch stirred up some trouble, igniting a lively and occasionally tense discussion between players and developers on the official Discord. While calls for a less heated atmosphere are well-warranted, the best thing to do right now would be to simply calm down despite all the changes that need to be made.

For those unfamiliar with the challenges of seven through nine, let’s get into the problem fans are complaining about. One thing is certain: Helldivers 2 servers are surely not killing the hype anymore

Helldivers 2 – Hits and Misses

Missions against the bug infestation pit you against two particularly hard (or even impossible) to-beat monsters: the bile titan and the charger. Their thick armor shrugs off most standard-issue weaponry, so even experienced players who had a full ammo clip couldn’t get past them.

The reliable Railgun, once a powerful tool against heavily armored foes, received a significant nerf. Those players who used to be able to maintain a tactical advantage now find themselves overwhelmed, outgunned, and sometimes unceremoniously dissolved by acid.

The weakened Railgun no longer effortlessly goes through armor, and its overall damage against armored segments has taken a major hit. While the “unsafe mode” partially restores its piercing capabilities, it’s a far cry from its former dominance in the field. 

This means that players need to be extremely accurate during the battle, which isn’t always possible.

Going to Hell and Back

Even though when we look at the situation, it can be pretty funny, it’s still an issue for frustrated gamers. Helldivers 2 respawn stripped of their support gear, forcing them into a desperate sprint across the battlefield just to re-arm. 

More often than not, they can’t get close to a victory, and some even resort to the ultimate surrender. It’s a tragicomic sacrifice, as all they can do is run into the edge of the map.

Helldivers 2 hard gameplay

But we finally have a reason to relax and celebrate because it seems like the developers have been listening to the complaints. A recent message from Arrowhead’s associate community manager addressed many of the frustrating charger issues.  

“I wanted to take a moment this afternoon to let you all know that we’ve heard your concerns over the last few days regarding enemy spawns, enemy armor, and the ability to kill these enemies … I can confirm that we’re currently looking at changes to the spawn rates and health pools of heavy enemies, and will be attempting to spread them out more to prevent large spikes of tougher mobs appearing at the same time, as well as making them a bit easier to bring down. This change should go out in a future hotfix – no date as of yet.”

Helldivers 2: Behind the Curtains

Additionally, the message hints at positive changes for anti-tank weapons like the EAT-17 and the Recoilless Rifle.  The damage penalty from glancing blows will be removed, ensuring direct hits have a greater impact. 

Combined with the promised adjustments to enemy health and spawn rates, this should make encounters with heavily armored enemies less frequent. All this while providing well-placed shots a better chance to take them down.

For those less familiar, the EAT-17 Anti-Tank and the Recoilless Rifle are both rocket launcher stratagems, but they do differ in functionality – one drops two RPGs, which are disposable, while the other needs a backpack. Though not as quick to deploy as the Railgun in its prime, these will offer much-needed alternatives against those armored menaces.

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