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Destiny 2 Familiar Felines Guide: How to Find All Starcat Locations

Destiny 2 Season of the Wish has a Triumph called Familiar Felines that requires players to find 14 Starcats. This Triumph is essential for obtaining the Wishbearer Title in the game. The Starcats are scattered throughout the Dreaming City, and players must navigate through different areas to collect them.

To complete the Familiar Felines Triumph, players must have knowledge of where to find each Starcat. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to locate and collect all 14 Starcats in Destiny 2. With this guide, players can easily complete the Triumph and earn the Wishbearer Title.

Best Way to Find Starcats in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish

To complete the Familiar Felines Triumph in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish, players must find all 14 Starcats. Two Starcats are released per week, which means it will take seven weeks to collect all of them.

The best way to find Starcats is to look at the Starcat location hint in the Secret section of the Season of the Wish Triumphs page. This section offers a little sentence hint to where you can find each Starcat.

Players can also find detailed instructions on how to get each Starcat in Destiny 2 by reading guides available online. For example, one guide suggests that players should go to the Blind Well instance to find the first Starcat, while another suggests that players should go to the Garden of Plenty.

It is important to note that some Starcats are hidden in hard-to-reach locations, so players may need to use their abilities or weapons to reach them. Additionally, some Starcats can only be found during specific events or activities.

By using the hint provided in the Secret section and following detailed instructions, players can find all 14 Starcats and complete the Familiar Felines Triumph in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish.

Destiny 2 Garden of Plenty Starcat Location #1

To find the Garden of Plenty Starcat, players must first get lucky and get the Garden of Plenty area in Riven’s Lair. If they are having trouble getting the Garden of Plenty area, they can complete the “Polysemy” mission which is part of the main Season of the Wish questline. After completing “Polysemy,” any plate pressed at the beginning of Riven’s Lair opens a portal on the left, and players can always get Garden of Plenty through there. If they don’t open the portal on the left, they might as well return to orbit and launch into Riven’s Lair again.

Once players have made it to Garden of Plenty, they should head to the far end of the area near the white stage with the white pillars. To the left of that, they will see two rocks jutting up. Carefully traversing directly between these rocks, they should turn around. Here, they will see a small pool of water and the Starcat.

To summarize, here are the steps to find the Garden of Plenty Starcat:

  1. Get lucky and get the Garden of Plenty area in Riven’s Lair or complete the “Polysemy” mission.
  2. Head to the far end of the area near the white stage with the white pillars.
  3. Look for two rocks jutting up to the left of the white stage.
  4. Traverse directly between these rocks and turn around.
  5. Look for a small pool of water and the Starcat.

Players should keep in mind that the Garden of Plenty Starcat is just one of the 14 Starcats required to complete the Familiar Felines Triumph in Destiny 2’s Season of the Wish.

Destiny 2 Blind Well Starcat Location #2

The Blind Well Starcat is one of the easiest to find. To get it, players need to deploy to a Blind Well activity. While trying to obtain this cat, players may lose health when they are not near the Light, and a boss is not out. However, it’s worth it for the Starcats.

Once players arrive at the Blind Well, they should head to the front of the area and up the stairs. They should then go to the large, skinny door in the center. The Starcat is located right where the door crack is. Players should interact with it to collect it.

It’s worth noting that players will need to find a total of 14 Starcats to complete the Familiar Felines Triumph. Players should check back next week for the locations of Starcat three and four!

For more information on Destiny 2, check out other articles on this topic.

Written by
Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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