Homepage » Enhancing Starfield Performance: A Comprehensive Guide on Installing DLSS Mods

Enhancing Starfield Performance: A Comprehensive Guide on Installing DLSS Mods

Starfield, the highly anticipated single-player space exploration game from Bethesda Game Studios, has won over the gaming community in just a few days since its release.

The game features spectacular graphics and immersive gameplay, so no wonder gamers are eager to explore every nook and cranny of this vast universe. However, achieving optimal performance can sometimes be challenging for PC gamers.

This is where NVIDIA’s DLSS technology comes into play, offering a solution capable of significantly improving gaming performance. In this article, we will guide you through installing the DLSS mod for Starfield on your PC.

NVIDIA DLSS Technology

Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) is an innovative AI rendering technology that boosts graphics performance using dedicated Tensor Core AI processors on GeForce RTX™ GPUs. DLSS harnesses the power of a deep-learning neural network to boost frame rates and generate beautiful, crisp images for your games. As a result, you can now play at higher resolutions and settings while maintaining smooth, tear-free gameplay.

Installing the DLSS mod for Starfield on a PC

Before we get started, it’s important to note that this mod requires a PC with an NVIDIA RTX graphics card, as DLSS is incompatible with older or third-party GPUs.

Necessary files

To install the DLSS mod, you will need the following files:

Steps to install the mod

  • Download the DLSS mod file for Starfield.
  • Once the download is complete, extract the DLL files to a location of your choice.
  • Navigate to the Starfield game folder on your PC. This is usually located in the Steam/steamapps/common folder.
  • Unzip the Upscaler Base Plugin file.
  • Copy the unzipped UpscalerBasePlugin file to the mods folder inside the Starfield installation folder.
  • Copy the file ncngx_dlss_3.5.0 you downloaded in the last step above and paste it into the new UpscalerBasePlugin folder created in the mods folder.
  • Start the game. If the mod has been installed correctly, you should notice a significant improvement in game performance.

Using the DLSS mod for Starfield

Once the mod is installed, you can adjust the DLSS settings within the game. This is usually found in the graphics settings menu. Here, you can choose the DLSS level you want to use. The options usually range from “Performance” (which prioritizes frame rate) to “Quality” (which prioritizes image quality).

Why isn’t DLSS available natively in Starfield?

Although DLSS offers significant performance improvements, it is not natively available in all games. This is often because DLSS implementation requires close collaboration between NVIDIA and game developers. However, thanks to the modding community, PC gamers can use this powerful technology in games like Starfield.

In conclusion, installing the DLSS mod for Starfield can significantly progress your gaming experience by improving performance and image quality. Furthermore, by following the steps outlined in this guide, you can enjoy exploring the vast Starfield universe without worrying about frame rate drops or graphical glitches.

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