Starting a Raft for the first time is both fun and a bit tough. This guide will help you get started and show you the best ways to survive and enjoy your time at sea.
You’ll find helpful Raft beginner’s tips and smart tricks that make things easier.
Whether it’s building your first raft or keeping away from the sharks, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get you set up to handle everything the ocean throws at you.
Getting Started in Raft
When you start playing Raft, you find yourself on a small piece of wood in a vast ocean, and the primary goal is to stay alive. Here’s a simple guide to kick things off right to ensure you have a smooth start and enjoy the game without feeling overwhelmed.
Essential First Steps
Your first job is pretty straightforward: gather as much floating debris as you can. You’ll find stuff such as leaves, planks, and plastic bobbing around, which are gold for building and crafting.
Grabbing these items is critical because you’ll use them to make everything on your raft. Keep an eye out for barrels, too – they usually contain lots of useful items.
This basic step is one of the top raft beginners’ tips because it prepares you for everything that comes next.
Tool Prioritization
Next up, making tools. The spear and the hook are your best friends in this water world. Why? The hook helps you catch all that floating debris without getting your feet wet. It’s simple: just aim, throw, and pull in those resources.
Now, the spear isn’t for fishing at this stage – it’s your main defence. Sharks will attack your raft, and without a spear, you’ll find it tough to fend them off.
Crafting these tools should be your priority from the get-go. It might seem like there’s a lot to handle, but stick with these basics, and you’ll be in good shape.
These are not just raft tips and tricks but your survival essentials. Once you have your tools and materials, you can start expanding your raft and exploring the ocean.
Remember, the bigger your raft, the more you can do and the safer you’ll feel. So, keep collecting, keep crafting, and set yourself up for success on the high seas.
Mastering Basic Survival Techniques
Surviving in Raft means more than just staying afloat. You need to manage your resources wisely and keep yourself fed and hydrated. Here’s how to handle these basic survival skills without getting overwhelmed.
Resource Management
The key to efficient resource management is staying organized and making the most of every piece of debris you haul in. Wood and plastic are your bread and butter for building and crafting.
Make sure you always have your hook ready to catch floating resources. A good tip is to target barrels, as they often contain various materials that can save you time and effort.
Organizing your resources on your raft is also crucial. Designate spots for different materials so you can find them quickly when you need to build or repair.
This not only saves time but also helps you keep track of what you have and what you’re running low on. Remember, every resource has its place and purpose, and managing them well is one of the best Raft tips and tricks for keeping your raft in top shape.
Hydration and Hunger
Staying hydrated and well-fed is essential. Don’t wait until you’re starving or dying of thirst to start looking for food and water. One of the first things you should craft is a simple purifier and a grill.
These allow you to turn saltwater into drinking water and cook any raw food you gather or catch, such as fish. Always have a few cups of fresh water ready and some cooked food on hand.
This will keep you from getting desperate when you’re busy building or fending off sharks. Regularly check your supplies and replenish them before they run out.
Building Your First Raft
Building your raft is not just about throwing planks together but creating a home on the water that will keep you safe and carry you through your adventure. Here’s how to design a functional and efficient raft that stands the test of time and tide.
Designing Your Raft
When you start building your raft, think about what you need it to do. It should have enough space for all your tools and stations, like a grill, purifier, and storage.
Begin with a small base, and expand as you gather more resources. Always plan your layout: keep your crafting area, sleeping spot, and storage distinct and organized. This makes it easier to access everything quickly and efficiently.
A good rule is to keep your raft balanced. Don’t just build out in one direction – this could make it tip or turn awkwardly when you move around.
Expand evenly on all sides of your initial square to keep it stable. And remember, every piece you add makes your raft heavier, so balance is key.
Avoiding Early Mistakes
Many new players make a few common errors that can be easily avoided.
First, do not build essential items on the edges of your raft. Sharks love to munch on the sides of your raft, and if they destroy a section with your grill or purifier, you’ll have to gather materials to rebuild those crucial items.
Keep your important gear towards the center of your raft to protect them from shark attacks. Another mistake is ignoring the need for a spear. Always have a spear ready, not just for sharks but for other threats that might come later. Defending your raft is as crucial as building it.
Lastly, don’t expand too fast without the materials to back it up. It’s tempting to make your raft big quickly, but without enough resources to maintain and defend it, you’ll find yourself struggling.
Expand wisely, ensuring you always have enough supplies to reinforce and support any new sections you build.
Defending Against Dangers with These Raft Beginner’s Tips
In Raft, your survival adventure isn’t just about building and crafting – it’s also about defending against dangers that threaten your floating home.
Here’s how to keep your raft safe from shark attacks and explore islands and underwater areas without risking too much.
Handling Shark Attacks
Sharks are a constant threat in Raft, always circling and ready to strike. One of the most practical raft beginner’s tips for dealing with sharks is to always keep a spear handy.
This basic tool isn’t just for show, but it’s essential for poking at sharks that try to bite chunks out of your raft. Make sure to repair any damage quickly to prevent your raft from getting smaller and smaller.
Another effective strategy is to use shark bait. This can distract the shark long enough for you to gather resources or repair your raft in peace.
Shark bait can be crafted from fish, which you can catch easily with a fishing rod, another must-have tool. Throw the bait into the water away from your raft to keep the shark occupied and away from your home base.
Exploring Safely
Exploring islands and diving underwater are great ways to find rare materials, but they come with risks. Always anchor your raft before leaving it to explore an island. This prevents it from drifting away while you’re on land.
When diving underwater, it’s smart to have a plan. Know what you’re looking for, whether it’s sand, clay, or scrap, and keep an eye on your oxygen levels.
Use shark bait to keep the shark away while you dive for resources. To extend your diving capabilities, consider crafting and wearing flippers and an oxygen bottle.
These items allow you to swim faster and stay underwater longer, increasing your chances of finding valuable materials without running out of air.
By following these Raft tips and tricks, you can defend your raft from threats and explore new areas safely. Remember, staying prepared and using your tools wisely are the keys to maintaining your safety and ensuring your survival adventure continues smoothly.
Advanced Strategies for Long-term Survival
We saw some awesome llama names last week. Now, it is the cluckers’ turn! Cluckers give you eggs if you keep them fed. 🐔🌱 What/who did you name yours after?
— Raft™ (@RaftSurvivaGame) February 16, 2021
As you become more comfortable with the basics of rafting, it’s time to consider long-term survival and how more advanced crafting can enhance your raft and capabilities.
This section will guide you through creating complex items that will significantly boost your survival odds and make exploration much easier.
Crafting Advanced Items
Once you’ve mastered basic survival, it’s time to upgrade. Crafting items such as antennas, engines, and advanced purifiers can transform your raft from a simple floating platform into a well-equipped sea vessel.
An antenna, for example, is part of a radio system that helps you locate signals and find new islands and other points of interest.
To build these, you’ll need to gather and process more complex materials, such as circuit boards and metal ingots, which you can find or smelt from raw materials.
Engines can propel your raft in a specific direction and speed up your travel across the ocean. This is especially handy when you need to move against the wind or when you’re looking to reach distant locations more quickly.
Remember, engines need fuel, so you’ll need to ensure a steady supply of biofuel, which can be made from food and other organic waste with a biofuel refiner.
Navigational Aids
Navigating the vast ocean can be tricky without the right tools. Items such as streamers and sails are essential for effective movement and exploration.
A streamer shows the direction of the wind, which is crucial for planning your travel route if you’re using sails. Sails give you more control over your movement, allowing you to steer your raft instead of just floating aimlessly.
Adding a steering wheel and a rudder can further enhance your raft’s maneuverability, giving you the ability to navigate more precisely. This is particularly useful in avoiding obstacles and positioning your raft optimally for resource collection.
Playing with Friends (Multiplayer Tips)
Help us help the ocean, again! Raft will join #teamseas by donating 25k USD and you can help us double that amount by simply participating in events run on our discord!
Events will run until December 13thJoin us on discord for more information
— Raft™ (@RaftSurvivaGame) December 2, 2021
Playing Raft with friends adds more fun and strategy to the survival challenge. In multiplayer mode, you can share resources and workload, making some of the tougher tasks more manageable.
For example, while one of you focuses on gathering food and water, another can work on expanding the raft or crafting necessary tools. This teamwork not only speeds up your progress but also allows you to specialize in certain tasks to become more efficient.
Another benefit of playing with friends is that you can take on different roles based on your interests or strengths. Maybe you’re great at navigation and steering, while your friend excels at fishing and cooking.
Working together, you can cover more ground, manage resources more effectively, and keep each other safe from sharks and other dangers. But it’s not all about work; there’s plenty of fun in seeing who can catch the biggest fish or build the coolest raft additions.
Plus, tackling challenges together can make those big victories even more rewarding. So, team up, lay out some plans, and see how much more exciting your survival adventure can be with a little help from your friends.
Wrapping Up
Mastering these Raft beginner’s tips is key to succeeding in your ocean adventure. From crafting your first tools to navigating dangerous waters with friends, every skill you learn adds to your survival game toolkit.
Don’t be afraid to try out different strategies or build your raft in a new way. Each journey on the sea offers a chance to learn, adapt, and improve.
So, grab your paddle, mobilize your crew, and go into the vast blue with confidence. Remember, every trip out on the water is an opportunity to refine your skills and enjoy the ride.