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Fortnite x TMNT Update – Patch Notes Breakdown

A few days back, Epic dropped the final TMNT collab update in Fortnite. Mythic items have been added to the game, along with new “heals” in the form of pizzas. TMNT elements have been secretly active on the map for quite some time now. Finally, everything is out in the open. Let’s break down and take a look at everything that’s been added to the game and how we should be using them to get our Victory Royales.

TMNT Battleplass

Epic is known for dropping generous battle pass goodies for every collab. The TMNT collab, unfortunately, does look a bit expensive if you have intentions of unlocking every item. There is a separate TMNT battle pass which costs 1000 V-Bucks and has its own set of challenges to complete. Upon finishing these challenges, you are given rewards in the forms of cosmetics, including a new bulked-up Shredder skin. To be honest, 1000 V-Bucks doesn’t sound like much, but to everyone’s surprise, this battle pass has rewards that require other purchases. For example, there are additional styles you can unlock if you’ve bought the TMNT bundle. The TMNT bundle costs twice the battle pass prize. And because of this, fans have not been open to this new concept of compiling microtransactions.

TMNT Mythic Weapons

Next up, we have the mythic items that have been added to the game. Apart from the existing mythic guns you can find at various pois, TMNT katanas and nunchucks can be found in vending machines. These vending machines are located pretty much everywhere other mythic items spawn. Apart from that, during the course of the game, special turtle-themed supply drops can be found dropping into the map almost every five to six minutes.

Okay, let’s discuss the use of these new mythic items. We have to understand that these are more of “mobility” items rather than weapons. Like the previous kinetic grappler, a right-click while having the TMNT mythic item equipped allows players to dash into the air, go up, and even avoid fall damage while falling down. This is the most useful feature of this item. While trying to attack players, there isn’t much impact with this weapon.

If you manage to spam your left click and connect all your shots, the combos do give you a significant amount of damage. Sadly, though, to hit your combos requires a ton of luck on your side. The combat does get choppy and laggy at times, because of which I’d prefer to use my standard mythic weapons over the katana for engaging in fights.
TMNT-themed special hoverboards have been added to the game. You can now expect players attempting trick shots on the Hoverboard almost every alternate game. This particular vehicle does not have a significant impact on the game for rotations. It’s a fun vehicle and the best option for trick shots.


Pizza box & Hoverboard

Pizza boxes have also been added to the game. Players can now carry a box or an individual slice of pizza for 5 health and 30 shield boosts. A box stacks 8 individual pieces and has to be thrown onto the ground first before it is used. The pizzas are a good addition to the game, as it doesn’t take much time to consume. Overall, this was an exciting update and I’m really looking forward to grinding the game more. Make sure to complete the TMNT Battlefront, even if you haven’t bought it, as there are free goodies included as well.


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