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Starfield | 4 things to keep in mind before you start your journey through space

Bethesda’s new role-playing game, Starfield, is now available to players who have purchased one of the special editions that give early access. This allows them to start playing five days before its scheduled release.

Precisely, we want to provide in this article some ideas that will be useful when starting to play Starfield. Although these are fundamental tips for beginner players, we believe that for many of you, they may be useful for getting into space opera.

Be careful when deciding on your character’s background

One of the first things to do in Starfield is to select your character’s archetype or background. Players can choose from various alternatives, such as bounty hunter, space rogue, or industrialist.

Although this concept is not overused, these backgrounds occasionally lead to conversations with other characters. More importantly, they provide three starting skills. Our recommendation for a new player is to choose a background that, at a minimum, has weapon training and the ability to fly, but if you don’t want to go that route, we suggest that you take a close look at all the starting talents in the backgrounds. If you see a character with three skills that you think you might choose at some point in the game, go for it. You will save skill points that you can use for other traits later on.

Skills in which to invest points for leveling up

Related to this, we want to suggest several skills that would be fun to apply level-up points to. One is piloting to gain access to advanced spaceships, which will arouse your curiosity during the journey.

Another ship-related skill in which it would be interesting to invest some points is “Aiming control systems.” That will allow us to target specific components of enemy ships, such as their engines and armament, in space combat.

Beyond this, “Backpack training” will increase your agility when using the jetpack, “Lock picking” is a talent we always like, and “Wellness” will extend your life, so how can we not improve it? How can we not make it better?

Buy a new spaceship

A strong gravity engine is needed for ships to jump between systems. We can jump farther, saving valuable time, the better this engine is. Therefore, we believe that investing in a new spaceship, especially in the middle of the game, or significantly upgrading the gravity engine of the first ship, Constellation will offer you an important area where you should spend a few credits.

Use the cargo hold

To drop supplies and travel with as little weight as possible while exploring planets, moons, or dungeons full of space pirates on foot, the cargo hold of our ship has an unusual function that is incredibly useful. In addition, we can sell the items we store in this hold when we engage in trade or access work parties, eliminating the need to carry bulky rocks or materials in our inventory. If you do not use something, keep it in the cellar so you can sell it or use it in the workbench to craft better weapons or do research, etc.

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