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New Patch in Valorant – 8.01 Changes!

Valorant patch 8.01

A new patch is coming out on Januar 23 – Valorant Patch 8.01 brings a game-shifting update to Skye, promising a fresh twist to the meta. With a lot of changes in general, this new update is a good way to make significant changes that players have yet to find out.

Now, we’ll explore the core of these changes and see what’s best to play now and how it aligns with current trends and meta. Get ready to adapt to the evolution of Patch 8.01!


Skye – Nerfed?


She most certainly is!

Once a go-to agent in Valorant, she is now facing some big changes in Patch 8.01. This agent dominated the scene last year, mostly because of her powerful Guiding Light ability. But now, things are different. The developers want players to be more intentional when using Guiding Light, so they’ve made some adjustments.

Namely, Guiding Light won’t recharge during a round, and its flash will automatically activate at the end of its lifespan. This means Skye can only use it twice without a recharge. It’s a big deal because it changes how teams use Skye in their lineup.

These changes make alternatives like KAY/O more attractive. Skye’s second flash becomes crucial, especially in the first round, and without the option for fake flashes, her moves become more predictable.

Iso – Buffed?


Most Valorant players would agree!

Exciting changes await Iso in Valorant Patch 8.01 since the agent’s overall value is way better now on the battlefield. The focus of these buffs focuses on the Double Tap (E) ability, making pretty high improvements.

The Double Tap orb’s shootable duration gets a boost from 2 to 3 seconds, while both the initial buff and shield duration increase from 15 to 20 seconds. However, the shield becomes visibly smaller with a reduced width from 120 to 100. Additionally, the Contingency (C) ability receives a cost reduction, dropping from 250 to 200.

All these changes are certainly enough for this agent to once again be in the top pics among players. Also, Iso should be perfect if synergy with other agents that deal a significant amount of damage. So, one way or another, these changes were meant to make this agent more favorable in the eyes of the players.

Other Stuff That’s Worth Mentioning in 8.01 Patch

This patch is not only focusing on Skye and Iso, other agents got minor changes as well. Besides that, there are also some “in-general” changes that all players will feel under their hands.

Raze is getting a tune-up, but it’s more like making life in the game smoother than a grand overhaul.

Breeze as well – this map is getting a facelift, removing A Halls completely and then bringing them back in this patch. This is a game-changer because it opens up new ways to sneak around and attack, making the once super-defensive A Site a bit more balanced.

Breeze Valorant

And if you’re a details person, there are a bunch of other small changes sprinkled throughout the game with this patch. If you’re curious about every little adjustment, the complete patch notes are just a click away [here](link to patch notes). Patch 8.01 is not just about the big guns; it’s about the little tweaks that add up to a whole new gaming experience. Get ready for some fresh vibes in Valorant!

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