In Jujutsu Kaisen‘s world, Principal Masamichi Yaga of Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College is both a figure of honour and a menace. But what makes this stern yet gentle man so scary? We’ll examine why even the top guys are afraid of Yaga’s powers.
Mastery of Puppet Jujutsu
At the core of Yaga’s fearsome reputation lies his unparalleled mastery of puppet jujutsu, also known as cursed corpse manipulation. This technique allows him to infuse inanimate objects with cursed energy cores, bringing them to life as powerful puppets under his control. Yaga’s cursed corpses are not mere mindless dolls; they possess their own cursed energy and can even develop emotions and independence.
The pinnacle of Yaga’s creations is Panda, a highly advanced cursed corpse with three self-sustaining cores and the ability to experience complex emotions. Panda is essentially Yaga’s adopted child, raised and trained by the principal himself from a young age. The potential threat posed by Yaga’s army of sentient cursed corpses is what makes the higher-ups so uneasy.
An Army of Cursed Corpses
Imagine a single sorcerer who could summon an army of cursed beings with different powers and abilities. That’s what Yaga’s cursed corpse control brings to us: a terrifying prospect. The higher-ups almost ranked him as a special grade sorcerer, the highest rank, and considered imposing indefinite restrictions on him for this very threat.
By Yaga’s skill, he could create his own sustaining force without external assistance. The thought of such a powerful army being led by one man is enough to chill even experienced sorcerers.
A Curse of Knowledge
Yaga’s talents extend beyond just creating and controlling cursed corpses. He possesses a profound understanding of cursed energy and the concepts of “soul” and “body” information, which allowed him to craft truly independent beings like Panda. This knowledge is so valuable and potentially dangerous that Yaga refers to it as a “curse.”
During the events of the Shibuya Incident, the higher-ups interrogated Yaga, seeking to uncover the secrets behind his ability to create self-sufficient cursed corpses. However, Yaga remained steadfast, even in the face of execution, refusing to reveal his formula. It was only in his final moments that he passed on this “curse” to his executioner, Gakuganji, calling it “a curse from me to you.”
A Stern but Caring Mentor
Beneath Yaga’s stern exterior lies a caring and patient mentor who has shaped some of the most powerful sorcerers in the series. He was the primary teacher of the infamous Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto, guiding them through their tumultuous student years and instilling in them a strong moral compass.
Yaga’s dedication to his students extends beyond just their sorcery training. He challenges their convictions, pushing them to have realizations about themselves and their motivations. This unorthodox approach, combined with his unwavering belief in their potential, has produced exceptional sorcerers who carry his legacy forward.
A Heart of Charity and a Duty to Others
Although he is powerful and creates fear in others, Yaga is ultimately a good person motivated by duty. He advocates for giving promising students such as Yuji Itadori a chance, believing in their potential and in the need to lead them instead of blindly following tradition.
Yaga’s compassion is further exemplified by his willingness to create a cursed corpse modeled after Kusakabe’s deceased son, Takeru, to help her sister cope with the loss. This act showcases his understanding of the emotional toll that cursed beings can inflict and his desire to alleviate suffering whenever possible.
Ultimately though, Principal Yaga is a complex character whose monstrous reputation stems from his mastery of puppet jujutsu and the threat of his army of cursed corpses. But under this haughty facade stows a loyal teacher, a generous soul, and a sense of duty that compels him to mold the next generation of sorcerers. It is this combination of strength and principle that makes Yaga such an exemplary and highly regarded figure in Jujutsu Kaisen.