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Fortnite “No-Builds”Inventory Tips and Tricks for Beginners!

A ton of players want to enter Fortnite and consider the game pretty tough to break into. But now, with build mode and no-builds mode available to players, the game isn’t as hard as it was back in the day. Today, we discuss the no build mode. if you are a beginner to Fortnite, you’ve come to the right place, because we’ll be breaking down the best loadout in “no builds” for beginners.

Before proceeding to loadouts, understand that each player has a unique style. Loadouts vary based on individual styles. For the first loadout, ensure you have a close-range weapon, a long-range weapon, a medium-range gun, one item for mobility, and heals. This setup will help you grasp the game better. Depending on your style, you can modify your loadout. We’ll provide more guides on that soon, so do stay tuned by bookmarking our homepage.

Frenzy Auto Shotgun
In the regular build mode, shotguns were considered mandatory and, in certain situations, could literally take down your enemies almost instantly. The same does not apply to “no builds.” Here, the use of a shotgun isn’t as significant because close-range encounters are not the ones you will be facing the most. Hence, the gun-switching meta isn’t our focus here. Auto-shotguns serve their purpose well in no build mode. This high fire rate shotgun allows you to avoid the use of SMGs, thus saving a slot in your inventory.

Nemesis AR

For the second item in the inventory slot, the Nemesis Assault Rifle would be the best option. Assault rifles play a crucial role in no-build mode. There are plenty of attachments available for your AR, allowing you to use sniper scopes and methodically eliminate your enemies, bullet by bullet. Alternatively, you can reduce recoil to simply spray for faster kills. The upgrade options for the AR are excellent, so avoid engaging in any fight unless you have a reloaded Assault Rifle ready to be fired.

Reaper Sniper Rifle

Sniper rifles were once considered useless in Fortnite because of their extremely low fire rate. But now, in no-build mode, this is the most overpowered gun in the game, and it would be a sin to avoid it. The same rules of attachments apply to the sniper as well. You can use a 2X scope all the way up to a 4X scope. There’s an attachment that allows you to aim down sights pretty fast, and that is an absolute game-changer for this game. Get used to being sniped to death with just one bullet, as it is in no builds, and mastering this weapon is the only way you can get those Victory Royales.

Mobility Items

Roaming around in vehicles is pretty addictive in Fortnite. When you reach the end game, things take a turn for the worse if you’re still stuck in your vehicle. You could end up being exploded with hardly any health left. Hence, concussive grenades or grapplers go a long way when you are being targeted by your enemies, and trust me, that happens a lot throughout the game. Make sure you are well-stocked with concussive grenades or grapplers. Grapplers are generally hard to find, but if you land in Rebels Roost, you could buy one from the NPC you meet there.

Health Items 

The very last slot in your inventory should be saved for health. You could start by holding onto mini shields and medkits. Towards the end of the game, try to upgrade these items to floppers or shield fishes. Any fish that gives you HP can be consumed almost instantly and comes in clutch during the endgame. Unlike medkits and shield potions that take over five seconds every time you use them, all fish items hardly take a second. So, start slow and make sure your health items are the ones that take less time and don’t have a limit as to how much you could heal yourself. Stay away from bandages unless you are using them to get out of the storm.


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