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The BEST Pals You Should Get in Palworld 2024

Palworld has over 100 unique Pals to collect, each with its own strengths. But with so much choice, it can be tricky to determine which are the best Pals to have on your team as a beginner, and which become more useful later on. This guide will highlight the top Pals you should aim to acquire in Palworld in 2024 for different purposes.

Getting Started: Best Pals for Beginners

When just starting out in Palworld as a new player, focus on Pals that will set up your base efficiently and give you the resources you need to progress. Some strong options include:

Lamball: Excellent for crafting, transporting items, farming, and providing wool. Lamball helps establish essential foundations early on. 

Vixy: Can provide gold coins, arrows, and spheres from the Ranch. This income generation is invaluable early game.

Beegarde: A jack-of-all-trades that can assist with nearly any task on your base including planting, crafting, logging, medicine production, transporting, gathering, and farming. 

Flamebelle: Produces flame organs for weapon crafting without having to hunt Pals. Also skilled at kindling, crafting, transporting, and farming.

These Pals create materials, money, spheres, weapons, and infrastructure so you can rapidly advance.

Mid and Late Game:Palworld Best Pals for Combat


Once your base is established, focusing on combat Pals makes exploration, hunting, raiding, and defense much easier. Recommended fighters include: 

Foxparks: One of the first weapon Pals available. It can also equip flamethrowers for huge damage, especially against Grass types. 

Loupmoon: Extremely hard-hitting vampire-werewolf hybrid with strong melee attacks. It shreds most Pals.

Sweepa & Swee: Seemingly cute but tanky with the Swee buffing the Sweepa. It’s surprisingly formidable in groups. 

Warsect: Heavily armored beetle that boosts player defense and Fire damage as well as excelling as a tank.

Blazamut: The best Fire attacker and deals very heavy damage with ranged and area attacks to demolish groups. 

Paladius: Legendary mountable Pal with massive stat boosts, speed, and varied attacks. In addition, it’s a neutral type. 

Necromus: Similar to Paladius but Dark type with even higher mounted speed and has devastating offensive power.

Lyleen: The premier healer, restoring player HP constantly so you can focus on dealing damage. It is definitely invaluable support.

These Pals will carry you through the toughest fights Palworld has to offer in the late game.

Palworld Best Pals for Your Base

While combat Pals are crucial, you still need a solid workforce back at your base to keep resources and spheres coming in. Some top Pals for base work include:

Petallia: Produces medicinal supplies at a high rate, essential for healing items. Also good at planting, crafting, transporting, and gathering.  

Penking: Waters plants, turns the mill for power, and keeps food fresh in the cooler. It’s a decent miner as well when not watering.

Grizzbolt: Generates electricity to power base buildings. It’s also a capable lumberjack and transporter during downtime. 

Mammorest: Harvests lumber and ore quickly with high stats. Mammorest can defend the base with devastating AOE attacks during raids.  

Vaelet: Like Petallia, has Level 3 medicine production allowing for fast healing item crafting speed. Vaelet knows other base skills too.

Bristla & Flopie: Have medicinal production as well, useful until you can acquire better options like Petallia and Vaelet.

Having Pals that passively generate resources and spheres will propel your progression speed.

Master Palworld with the Best Pals

Building a balanced team with Pals specialized in infrastructure, combat, and passive farming is key to succeeding in Palworld. Lamball, Beegarde, Vixy, and Flamebelle construct early foundations. Loupmoon, Foxparks, Warsect, Blazamut, and more enable aggressive mid and end-game hunting and defense. While Petallia, Penking, Grizzbolt, and others will churn out supplies even when you are offline or busy elsewhere.

Collecting and utilizing this mix of the best Pals for different roles will have you mastering Palworld’s challenges in no time. With so many Pals to discover, forming multiple dream teams optimized for particular tasks keeps the monster-taming fun going strong.

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I am an award-winning professional Freelance Writer with over 2 years of experience writing for Content Creators and Companies. My work includes SEO, Copywriting, Blog Writing, Content Writing, and Scriptwriting. Also, I just love strategy, MOBA, and FPS games like Valorant, Total War, and League of Legends!

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