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GTA 6 Patent: What We Know So Far

A recently uncovered patent from Rockstar Games suggests that the developer may be using new technology to make non-playable characters (NPCs) in its games more immersive, particularly in the highly anticipated action-adventure crime simulation game, Grand Theft Auto VI (GTA VI). The patent, called “System And Method For Virtual Character Locomotion,” was issued in April by former Rockstar Games lead AI and gameplay programmer Tobias Kleanthous. According to Kleanthous’ LinkedIn profile, the patent was “architected and implemented for games” at the Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption studio.

The patent details a system and method for controlling the animation and movement of in-game objects, which should make characters more lifelike. The patent’s abstract explains that the patent houses “a system and method for controlling the animation and movement of in-game objects.” In simpler terms, Kleanthous’ technology should make characters way more life-like. The patent uses a library of small building blocks for character movements that can be combined in various ways to create a wide range of animations. Instead of designing separate animations for each situation, the building blocks are used to put together the character’s movements naturally. This means GTA VI can have more diverse and lifelike animations.

Based on the tech described, Rockstar Games’ games—particularly GTA VI—should have characters with more dynamic animations, giving their worlds unparalleled realism. The patent could mean that when players play GTA VI, they will see characters moving in ways that match the weather, their energy level, and their injuries. This makes the game feel more immersive. It’s like having characters that can adapt to different situations, making the game world feel more real and thrilling.

While Tobbelobben30, the Reddit user who detailed the patent’s contents, couldn’t verify if the system was used in Red Dead Redemption 2, they did say that the animations in Rockstar’s upcoming game will be “incredible.” Kleanthous gave a talk during GDC 2021 about some similar tech used in the cowboy RPG. Various Reddit users have shared their reactions to this new locomotion patent, with some calling the animations and physics “insane” and “mind-blowing.”

Rockstar Games has not yet commented on the patent or its use in GTA VI. Despite the plethora of details that have been made public about the game, including the city in which the game will take place and the characters players will control, there is still no definitive release date for Grand Theft Auto VI. The information about the game was made public thanks to an 18-year-old hacker who used an Amazon Fire Stick to gain access to Rockstar Games from a hotel room.

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Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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