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Dead Island 2 Police Dept Keycard Location: Your Guide to Unlocking Access

Dead Island 2 offers an immersive world teeming with zombies, an impressive array of weaponry, and a seemingly endless supply of treasures. In this post-apocalyptic playground, players find themselves not only battling the undead but also searching for keys to unlock the myriad doors scattered across the landscape. From securing items in lockboxes to rummaging through storage bins near pools, players must loot specific zombie remains to acquire the necessary keys to progress, with the Police Dept Keycard being a crucial item for navigating the Venice Beach Police Department.

Navigating through the game’s terrain, players encounter various quests that hinge on their ability to locate and utilize key items like the Police Dept Keycard. This particular item is essential not just for advancing through the main storyline, but also for completing side quests such as Cold Pork and Missing: Laura, as well as accessing the Secure Storage Room within the police precinct. Given the game’s evolution through updates and additional content, the structure of such side quests has remained consistent, providing both new and returning players with a stable framework to follow as they unravel the mysteries and challenges of Dead Island 2.

Commencing ‘Chilled Swine’

Trent’s Optional Task at The Azure Shellfish Lounge

Players often encounter the Police Department Keycard during their journey in Trent’s side mission, known as ‘Chilled Swine.’ While the keycard can be found during exploration, accessing it via the mission allows entry to the Police Department’s Secure Storage and the Officer Lockbox. Exploring these areas independently is possible, yet the mission grants full exploration privileges.

Initiate Your Quest

Visiting the Local Law Enforcement Office

When aiming to secure the Police Dept. Key, one should visit the local law enforcement office situated near Venice Beach. The building is easily spotted to the right side of Muscle Beach and adjacent to the Military Compound area.

Upon approaching the vicinity, you may come across typical officer-turned-zombies along with so-called Bursters. You have the option to dispatch or evade these adversaries before accessing the department through the right-hand side entry.

Step Two

Neutralize Concealed Power Junctions to Unlock the Security Device

To bypass the primary barrier, target the dual Power Junctions linked to the Office’s Security Lock. Trace the hues of the cables originating from the Lock to locate these Junctions.

  • First Junction: Situated beyond the receptionist’s window, to the right. Employ a Thrown Weapon, bullet, or Curveball technique to dismantle it.
  • Second Junction: Tucked within the lavatory adjacent to the Security Lock. Brace for an unexpected encounter with the resident undead. Post-scare, the box is discoverable behind the restroom entrance.

Disabling both Junctions will result in the automatic disengagement of the Office Security Lock.

Final Step

Retrieve the Access Card from the Administrative Area

Upon entering through the previously secured electromagnetic door, proceed to the left into the Administrative Area. The route to the right is inaccessible due to the locked Detention Cells. Within the administrative space, make a right towards the far side, where you’ll spot the Police Department Access Card. It rests beneath the bulletin board on a shelving unit. Secure the card, which will enable entry to the latter part of the Police Department facilities.

Discoverable Items Within Venice Beach’s Law Enforcement Facilities

Additional Valuables Located at the Local Police Station

In the midst of exploring the local police establishment on Venice Beach, adventurers will encounter various items of interest:

  • Jail Cell 02 Key: Found atop a desk in the main office area, this key grants access to a secondary containment area, triggering an undead encounter and leading to a beneficial crate for disaster aid.
  • Secure Storage Room Key: Located just beyond the cell barriers, left of the rear entrance, this key unlocks a room harboring a periodic shotgun of rare quality, additional valuable resources, and an officer’s personal storage box.
  • Officer’s Lockbox Key: Collected from Officer McKenzie near the sandy volleyball courts, this key is essential for opening a lockbox in the Secure Storage Room that contains an upscale, superior-quality nightstick.

Each item plays a pivotal role, whether granting passage to new zones, enhancing survival odds with gear, or progressing through crucial quests in the ongoing narrative. Players will find these rewards while securing their safety, with no prerequisites for some, though others require completion of previous tasks.

Written by
Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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