Homepage » Blindflug Studios Launches Alpha for “Ground of Aces”

Blindflug Studios Launches Alpha for “Ground of Aces”

Ground of Aces Key Art

Indie game developer Blindflug Studios announced today that the first alpha version of Ground of Aces will start tomorrow, March 14th. Players who pre-ordered the game are now getting their hands on the early build, with the chance to directly impact the game’s development.

Ground of Aces offers a fresh spin on the base-building genre. You’ll construct and manage your own WWII airbase, bustling with pilots and ground crew. It draws inspiration from popular base-building games like Rimworld, combining it with the historical strategic depth of Hearts of Iron IV. Its art style also pays homage to the “ligne claire” style of Franco-Belgian comics, such as Biggles and Buck Danny.

Ahead of the game’s closed alpha phase, Blindflug Studios co-founder and executive producer Moritz Zumbühl says, “We want to actively engage with the community and work with them to find out what they like most about our game and what we should continue to focus on. This way, the input of the players can shape the game during the ongoing development. We look forward to sharing this first version of Ground of Aces with the community and seeing the first fan-built aircraft bases.”

Here are the game’s key features:

    • A base builder at heart: Your base is laid out by your own choices and thus individual and unique. It serves as your personal home for your planes and crew members.
    • Your crew’s personal stories: Base inhabitants are not just resources, they are people shaped by the war. Every person matters and has their own personality. You will get to know every character on the base and will mourn every loss.
    • A dream for aviation enthusiasts: Throughout the campaign, you will get access to historically significant aircraft. These planes will have upgradeable parts and you can even individualise them in your own visual style.
  • Engulf yourself in the Second World War: Experience its battles from the perspective of your air base crew. Prepare for missions, send out your pilots and be ready for attacks by the enemy.

According to the developers, the game’s full release will feature an “endless” free build mode. Players will also experience theatre campaigns tied to WWII events, such as the Battle of Britain, to get a glimpse of how to manage a base during such a crucial moment.

If you pre-ordered and want to jump into the alpha, check your inbox for a key to the game and instructions on how to access the build. Otherwise, head over to the Ground of Aces website so you can preorder the game’s alpha version and support the game’s development for $59. Your purchase also entitles you to all of the game’s future updates, along with a Steam key for the game’s full release.

In the meantime, watch the game’s Alpha Release Trailer below.

About Ground of Aces

The base building game that lets you take command of a remote air base of workers and pilots during World War II.

Plan, build and shape your very own air base: Build up and manage a World War II air base. Your personal home for your planes and your crew members. 

Prepare for missions, send out pilots and fend off attacks: Engulf yourself in the Second World War and experience its battles from the perspective of your air base crew. 

Collect and manage iconic World War II aircraft: Enjoy a variety of accurate fighter airplanes. A joy for aviation aficionados who know the difference between a Hurricane and a Spitfire.

Take care of your pilots and crew: Experience personal stories of your air base crew members. On your base every person matters and has their own personality.

Written by
I started writing about video games in 2016, and haven't looked back since. It's been an amazing journey discovering new games and meeting the people behind them. Fueled by litres of tea and nightly legendary skirmishes on Halo Wars with my husband.

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