Valorant now has over 20 agents in its roster, and the list keeps increasing as acts pass by. If you’re new to the game, it’s highly likely that you are overwhelmed with the options available to you. There are four roles in Valorant, and in this guide, we go through the best agent for beginners from every role.
For the duelist role, Reyna would be the most optimal pick for any beginner. In fact, if you’re playing Valorant for the first time, I’d definitely recommend playing Reyna as she’s the easiest agent to play while learning the game. Among all of Reyna’s abilities, her flash is the only ability that needs to be used premeditatively. Hence, you get to focus on aim as well as positions throughout the match. Her dismiss and heal abilities are activated only after getting a kill. So the focus should be on just timing her flash and swinging off of it.
For the sentinel role, I would recommend Sage. This recommendation is aimed at beginners who don’t mind starting off as a team player. Sage has the ability to heal teammates as well as revive them. As a Sage player, you are expected to hold off enemies who are trying to rush into the bombsite. Her two abilities, Wall and Slow Orb, are designed to slow down enemies and allow your teammates to rotate over to help you. While attacking, Sage is expected to watch flanks and use the wall to protect the agent who’s in charge of planting the bomb. This role allows new players to get used to team comms and how to be a team player. Once you get used to playing Sage, you could always improvise with outplays using her wall to create unpredictable off angles.
For the initiator role, Gekko would be a really good agent to start off with. Though he has a mixed bag of abilities, the way they are used is pretty simple and straightforward. Apart from his Molly, all of his utilities regenerate, allowing Gekko mains to always have some kind of utility throughout the round. While using the wingman to defuse the bomb, you don’t have to tap the bomb and fake it. Instead, the enemy is forced to peek and shoot the wingman, allowing you to get the trade. Also, his Molly is easy to use and deals really high damage when players are hit by it. Once you finish learning Gekko, you would have an idea of how to flash, the best spots to plant the bomb, and how to play post-plant using Gekko’s own Molly.
The controller is the toughest role to master, and I’d personally recommend learning this role once you’ve got a hang of the other roles. Smokes are critical while defending as well as attacking. Brimstone would be one of the easier controllers to learn, as his interface to place smokes is simple, and his other abilities are pretty straightforward as well. Brimstone’s ultimate is just like placing a smoke, and the learning curve for this agent is low compared to agents like Astra and Viper. Make sure you cover the basics of how to smoke doors and chokepoints before attempting the “one-way” smokes controllers are capable of.
When starting to play Valorant, choose agents that are easy. They may not be as effective once you climb into the higher ranks, but the focus here is to understand the game and the roles involved in it. Bookmark this page to come back and refer when you’re in your initial stages of the Valorant grind.