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The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered: A Gripping Return to Darkness | Game Review

The first, “The Last of Us,” haunts many gamers. The clicker’s chilling cry, the desperate gleam in Joel’s eyes, the desolate cities choked with overgrown weeds… those images linger. Then came “Part 2,” tearing open fresh wounds. Gone was the fragile hope of the first game, replaced by a brutal cycle of grief and violence.

It was shocking and divisive, and many still find themselves caught in its tangled emotional web, especially after the 1.1.2 update

That’s why we hesitate, even as this “Remastered” edition beckons. Naughty Dog’s worlds are undeniably captivating, their characters achingly real. We yearn to feel that immersion again – to guide Ellie through crumbling ruins, to witness Abby’s struggle for redemption.

The Last of Us Part 2

But the cost was high. Can I endure that relentless intensity a second time? Is this merely a polished echo of past pain, or a journey with fresh scars to discover?

More Than Just a Visual Overhaul

“The Last of Us Part 2” was a visual masterpiece. Lush environments dripped with detail, facial animations were uncannily realistic, and the gritty intensity of combat was palpable. So how does the remaster build on this foundation?

The most immediate difference for many will be the 60fps performance mode. The original game ran at 30fps, so this upgrade injects a newfound fluidity into every action. Gunfights feel more visceral, exploration becomes smoother, and the subtle nuances of Ellie and Abby’s animations become even more apparent.

A fidelity mode exists for those with 4K displays and the tech to support it. This sacrifices the frame rate for maximum visual sharpness. The visuals get a serious upgrade. Everything looks sharper, the lighting feels more realistic, and the whole world pops with detail.

But for the smoothest experience, you’ll want a fancy TV setup – one that can handle those higher refresh rates and keep the action feeling fluid.

It’s not just about the looks! This remaster lets you fine-tune the game to your needs. There are multiple options to change how things look, sound, and even how the controls work.

It’s clear Naughty Dog wants everyone to experience this game, no matter their setup. They’ve made sure there are tons of ways to adjust the visuals and controls, so you can always find a way to play comfortably.

Of course, graphical upgrades alone might not be enough to justify a return, especially if you’ve played “Part 2” recently on PlayStation 4 or backward compatibility. Thankfully, the remaster doesn’t stop at visual improvements.

Unpacking the Action

“The Last of Us Part 2” expertly blends visceral combat with tense stealth sequences. The remaster refines the experience further, making encounters feel even more fluid and responsive. 

At its core, the game plays as two distinct halves: Ellie’s nimble journey emphasizes stealth and resource management, while Abby’s story delivers a more brutal, close-quarters powerhouse experience. This contrast in playstyles keeps the action consistently engaging throughout the lengthy campaign.

Enemy encounters have been sharpened by the improved performance. Infected feel more unpredictable, forcing quick reactions in the heat of the moment. The higher frame rate makes aiming more precise but also highlights the aggressive AI of human foes, demanding strategic positioning and smart use of your tools.

Speaking of tools, returning players will find the weapon upgrades and crafting system as satisfying as ever.

Experimenting with different load-outs to tackle encounters, and strategically using your limited resources to craft explosives on the fly, adds another layer of tactical depth to the game’s pulse-pounding action.

The Last of Us Part 2: Gameplay in the Post-Apocalypse

Navigating the overgrown ruins and ravaged cityscapes of “The Last of Us Part 2” feels both fluid and dangerous. Ellie’s expanded movement options allow for greater freedom when exploring, and the often multi-layered levels reward those who carefully search for alternative routes and hidden supplies.

Stealth remains a core pillar of the gameplay. Crouching through tall grass, carefully tracking enemy patrols, and executing silent takedowns create a thrilling sense of tension. The enhanced enemy AI in the remaster makes this even more challenging, forcing you to react quickly to unexpected changes in their movement patterns.

When stealth fails, all hell breaks loose. “The Last of Us Part 2” encourages improvisation. Grabbing environmental objects to use as weapons, setting traps, and luring enemies into ambushes.

The Last of Us Part 2: Gameplay

Lost Levels and Behind-the-Scenes Insights

For game development enthusiasts, some of the remaster’s most intriguing additions are the “Lost Levels.” These three deleted sequences offer glimpses into roads not taken, showcasing sections of the game that never made it to the final release. Accompanying these levels is developer commentary.

While it’s not a substitute for a full-length documentary, these behind-the-scenes glimpses still give us a peek behind the curtain. The “Lost Levels” themselves are fascinating. Some feel like rough sketches, with missing dialogue and blocky characters, while others could easily pass for deleted scenes from the final cut.

But the real treat is the developer commentary. It’s packed with insights real fans are interested in, from early design concepts to the hurdles the developers had to overcome.

Along with the “Lost Levels,” the remaster includes four episodes of the official “The Last of Us” podcast. These discussions with the creators, released alongside the original game, delve into the story’s development, character motivations, and broader themes. However, since these episodes can be found on most major podcast platforms, their inclusion feels less significant.

Ever wondered about the decisions that shaped your favorite cutscenes? Are you longing to understand the story’s deeper themes or the process of breathing life into a character like Ellie? If so, the developer commentary is for you. 

From Neil Druckmann’s directorial vision to the writers’ insights and emotional performances by actors like Ashley Johnson, this could be a treasure trove for fans who crave a deeper dive into this world.

Waiting for “Grounded II”

If the original game’s behind-the-scenes documentary blew your mind, get ready! “Grounded II” was promised alongside the remaster, and all signs point to an epic peek behind the curtain of “Part 2’s” development. Imagine seeing the early concepts, and hearing about those gut-wrenching story decisions… a true fan’s dream!

While the remaster does include a variety of behind-the-scenes extras, fans eagerly anticipating the “Grounded II” documentary will find it noticeably absent. Though promised alongside the remaster, it appears the documentary is yet to be released.

This delay might disappoint those hoping for the comprehensive, in-depth look at the game’s creation that the original “Grounded” provided.

No Return: Chaos Unleashed

Perhaps the remaster’s biggest surprise is “No Return,” a rogue-like mode that strips away the weighty narrative of “The Last of Us Part 2,” focusing entirely on its core gameplay mechanics. It’s a bold departure, an unexpected twist that breathes new life into the experience.

“No Return” throws you into a series of combat and stealth encounters drawn from the main campaign. The twist? Randomized modifiers keep each run fresh (and often hilariously chaotic). 

You might gain increased movement speed after vaulting, set enemies ablaze with melee attacks, or find yourself in pitch darkness with only a flashlight. Some modifiers are subtle, while others completely transform the rules of engagement.

The result is a playground built around “Part 2’s” combat strengths. The tension of its encounters shines here, unburdened by narrative context. Experimentation is key, as you chain together skills, character perks, and those unpredictable modifiers to create truly unique strategies on the fly.

Even with the inherent limitations of the setting – zombies and human foes don’t offer endless variety – “No Return” is surprisingly replayable. It’s the kind of mode that encourages short bursts of intense action, perfect for those moments when you crave a quick fix of that expertly crafted “The Last of Us” combat.

Need a little thrilling chaos to spice up your day? “No Return” delivers! Quick, intense combat encounters let you test your skills with a new twist every time. It’s not a total rogue-like revolution, but it takes those thrilling fights and adds a dash of unpredictability. Perfect when you want to focus on the action and forget the heartbreak for a while.

Unraveling the Themes

“The Last of Us Part 2” forces you to confront the cost of revenge. As Ellie and Abby, rage and grief fuel endless bloodshed. Each act of violence has ripple effects – a life lost, a community shattered, the endless echo of pain. The game doesn’t offer easy answers or glorify revenge. Instead, it drags you into the spiral, making you question whether breaking the cycle is even possible.

Remember when Jesse joined Ellie on her quest? You liked him, he seemed to be one of the good ones.

Then, in a split-second choice fueled by anger and grief, Ellie acts, and everything changes. Suddenly, you’re not sure who to root for, whether any action is justified, haunted by what might have been.

The narrative structure is a bold choice, demanding players to inhabit the perspectives of Ellie and Abby – two characters initially viewed through opposing lenses. This shift forces a reevaluation of preconceived notions and compels you to confront the complexities of the conflict, where motivations and actions aren’t always clear-cut.

Is It Worth It?

Those who lived through the original release have one question in mind: Is the new version worth it?

Is this more than a new coat of paint? Will the sharper visuals and smoother gameplay be enough, or are you seeking a fundamentally different experience? The answer depends on what you’re hoping to find – a nostalgic replay, a technical upgrade, or a chance to dive deeper into this world and its characters.

If you haven’t yet journeyed into this world, the remaster provides an all-access pass. It delivers the full “Part II” story, with visuals that immerse you in its ravaged beauty and gameplay that ramps up the tension. Prepare yourself, though – the narrative is an unflinching one, guaranteed to stir debate long after you put down the controller. It’s a must-play for those who’ve only experienced the first game or have yet to dive into this bleak and beautiful world at all.

Getting Down to Business

For those who played “Part 2” on release, the decision is trickier. The visual improvements are noticeable, especially if you’re coming from the base PS4 experience and have the tech to take full advantage of the higher framerate or fidelity modes. Yet, if your last playthrough was recent, the leap might not feel substantial enough.

The true appeal for returning players lies in the combination of “No Return” and the behind-the-scenes offerings. If you enjoy rogue-likes, or are fascinated by game development insights, these additions might be enough to tip the scales.

Is “The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered” worth it for you? That depends. Are you itching to dissect the game’s development or relive the thrill of combat with smoother visuals? Then jump in. But if you’re mainly hoping for a visual revolution that’ll make the world unrecognizable, you might want to wait for a deeper discount.

The Last of Us Part 2: The Legacy of Controversy

“The Last of Us Part 2” isn’t for the faint of heart. It weaves a story that pushes boundaries, making choices with characters you thought you knew and portraying violence with a raw intensity. This unflinching approach has sparked heated discussions among players, a testament to the game’s ability to provoke strong reactions.

The remaster doesn’t rewrite history, but it does provide a chance to revisit this story on your own terms. Whether time has shifted your perspective or simply reinforces your initial reaction, “The Last of Us Part 2” still has the ability to stir up strong emotions.


The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered adds a new layer to one of the generation’s most complex and divisive games. 

While the visual upgrades provide a welcome polish, the true value lies in its unexpected “No Return” mode and the peek behind the development curtain. Whether it’s enough to justify a revisit for returning players is up for debate, but for newcomers, this remains a gripping, if harrowing, odyssey that showcases Naughty Dog at their most ambitious and daring. 

Even with its flaws and polarizing nature, it’s a journey worth taking, and this remaster offers a worthy excuse to do so once more.

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