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The best Spanish IRL streamers

In the streaming world, a unique category of content creators is known as IRL (In Real Life) streamers. These people broadcast their daily lives, adventures, and interactions in real-time, giving viewers an intimate view of their experiences. They create a wide variety of content, from travel video blogs and cooking shows to street performances and candid conversations. Today, we delve into the vibrant world of Spanish IRL streamers, highlighting some of the best in the field.

Viviendo en la calle

First on our list is the Twitch channel Viviendo en la calle. This channel offers a raw, unfiltered view of life on the streets of Spain. The user, known only as “Vagabond,” shares his experiences as a vagabond facing survival challenges in urban environments. What sets this channel apart is its authenticity. It does not sugarcoat or romanticize their struggles but presents viewers with a stark reality that captivates and invites reflection. The resilience and wit of the presenter, along with his engaging narrative, make this channel a must-watch.

Lluna Clark

Next up is Lluna Clark, a vibrant and charismatic streamer known for her travel adventures. Lluna’s channel is a delightful mix of exploration, culture, and fun. Lluna takes her viewers on virtual journeys through Spain, showcasing the country’s beautiful landscapes, historical sites, and local cuisines. Lluna’s bubbly personality and infectious enthusiasm make her broadcasts incredibly enjoyable. Her deep knowledge of Spanish culture and history and her ability to connect with viewers personally make her one of the best Spanish presenters in IRL.


Another notable Spanish IRL streamer is Guanyar. Unlike most IRL streamers who focus on personal experiences, Guanyar uses her platform to highlight social and political issues in Spain. Their streams often include debates on current affairs, interviews with citizens, and peaceful protests. Guanyar’s channel stands out for its informative and thought-provoking content. Its commitment to raising awareness and promoting dialogue on important issues is commendable, making it a significant figure in the Spanish IRL streaming community.


Last but not least, we have Kidi, who is one of the leading Spanish-speaking IRL streamers. He was one of the first users of this viral live-streaming technique. Above all, he has gained notoriety for his travels worldwide, which hundreds or thousands of viewers follow live. Thanks to his success, he received the ultimate IRL streamers award at the 2023 Esland Awards. He was awarded with approximately 50% of the jury’s votes, which recognizes his expertise, professionalism, and sense of humor.

In conclusion, Spanish-language IRL streaming is diverse and vibrant, offering content for all tastes. Whether you are interested in street life, travel, or food, there is a Spanish IRL streamer. These streamers entertain, educate, and inspire, making them the best in their field.

Written by
Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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