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Apex Legends Temporarily Removes Valkyrie from Three Strikes Mode

Apex Legends Temporarily Removes Valkyrie from Three Strikes Mode

In a surprising move for Apex Legends players, the character Valkyrie has been taken out of the popular Three Strikes mode. This change came after a serious issue was found with Valkyrie’s abilities, which affected gameplay.

Why Valkyrie Was Removed

Valkyrie - Three Strikes Mode

Valkyrie, known for her high-flying tactics and being a top choice among players, was found to cause a major bug in the Three Strikes mode. This problem appeared when she used her Ultimate ability, Skyward Dive.

The bug would oddly teleport opponents to the center of the map and cause teammates to respawn in random places. This was not only confusing but also disrupted the flow of the game.

To ensure fair play and a good experience for all, the game’s developers, Respawn Entertainment, decided it was best to remove Valkyrie from Three Strikes for now. They are working on fixing this issue but haven’t said when she will return to this mode.

Three Strikes and the Urban Assault Event

Three Strikes is part of the ongoing Urban Assault Collection Event, which began on April 23 and will end on May 6.

The event brought back Three Strikes, added new looks for characters, and introduced the Apex Rumble Beta. This beta is a new type of tournament that ranks players by their performance.

What This Means for Players

Apex Legends Temporarily Removes Valkyrie from Three Strikes Mode

Since Valkyrie was recently made free to play until May 7, her removal is quite a letdown for many. As of now, she still can be played in other modes, such as Mixtape and Ranked, but not in Three Strikes.

With Valkyrie’s 11.8% pick rate making her the most chosen legend in Apex Legends, her absence might change how teams pick their characters.

It could mean that other support characters like Lifeline or Newcastle, who help their teams heal faster, might become more popular in Three Strikes.

What’s Next for Three Strikes Mode?

Valkyrie Apex Legends

It’s unclear how long Valkyrie will be out of the Three Strikes mode. Respawn has promised to keep players updated on their progress in fixing the issue.

Meanwhile, players can still enjoy the rest of the Urban Assault Collection Event and try out the Apex Rumble Beta.

For now, players will have to adapt their strategies and team choices without Valkyrie in Three Strikes. As always, staying informed and ready to adjust is key for Apex Legends players.

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I've been writing for over three years, focusing on SEO, blogs, news and copywriting. I've worked with a writing agency and love combining my writing skills with my interest in gaming. I'm a big fan of games like League of Legends, Minecraft, Roblox, and Genshin Impact.

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