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The best hero combinations in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2, the sequel to Blizzard’s popular team-based FPS game, brought excitement to the gaming community. With new maps, modes, and heroes, the game’s strategic depth is set to deepen, and team composition will be more critical than ever.

In this article, we’ll delve into some of the best team compositions in Overwatch 2 that can help you gain an edge over your opponents.

Winston, Tracer, Genji, Lucio, Mercy

This team composition is a classic dive composition that focuses on mobility and quick takedowns. Winston, the main tank, initiates the dive with his jump pack, followed closely by Tracer and Genji, the damage dealers. In addition, their high mobility and burst damage can quickly overwhelm isolated enemies. On the other hand, Lucio’s speed boost helps with immersion, while his healing keeps the team at full strength. Finally, Mercy provides additional healing and damage boost, and her Resurrection can tilt fights in your favor.

Va, Genji, Echo, Brigitte, Ana

This composition is a hybrid of dive and poke. D.Va and Genji dive into the enemy’s rear while Echo deals ranged damage and distracts. In addition, Brigitte’s Inspire Healing and Shield Bash can keep divers healthy and interrupt enemy attacks. Finally, Ana’s biotic grenade can prevent enemy healing, and her nano boost can empower Genji or D.Va to perform devastating dives. This composition requires coordination but can be very effective.

Wrecking Ball, Tracer, Sombra, Mercy, Zenyatta

This team is a disruptive dive. Wrecking Ball and Tracer deal damage without enemies noticing, while Sombra attacks key targets and provides additional damage. Mercy’s healing and damage boost can keep divers alive and increase their damage output. In addition, Zenyatta’s Orb of Harmony provides additional healing, while her Orb of Discord makes it easier to eliminate enemies. Finally, her Transcendence can save the team from enemy ultimates.

Winston, Pharah, Sojourn, Mercy, Ana

The composition of this team is an aerial dive. Winston initiates the dive while Pharah and Sojourn inflict aerial damage. Pharah’s rockets and Sojourn’s rail gun can inflict much damage, making their aerial mobility difficult to reach. In addition, Mercy can fly with Pharah and Sojourn, providing healing and increased damage. Ana’s healing and Nano Boost can keep Winston alive and boost his dives. This composition can be difficult to counter if the enemy team lacks heroes that can hit.

These are just a few examples of the best team compositions in Overwatch 2. The key to triumph is understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your team composition and playing accordingly. Remember, Overwatch 2 is a team game; teamwork is more important than individual skill. So, communicate with your team, coordinate your attacks, and adapt your strategy depending on the situation. With the correct team composition and strategy, you can dominate the battlefield and lead your team to victory.

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