Homepage » Omen’s new ultimate buff might just change Valorant again!

Omen’s new ultimate buff might just change Valorant again!

Over the past few weeks, there’s been a lot going on with regards to controllers in Valorant. With the introduction of the new agent Clove, two controllers are included in every team composition, irrespective of whichever rank it is. Apart from Clove, Riot has decided to buff Omen’s ultimate in a way that just might completely change the game. Keep reading to find out why you have to play more controller agents like  Omen more as they most likely are going to change Valorant.

Omen’s new Ultimate buff

In the latest update, Omen’s Ultimate has been buffed, allowing Omen to interact with various items on the map. Riot first showcased a glimpse of this past week in the public beta experiment servers. The first major change would be that Omen can open and close doors. Ascent and Sunset would be the two maps which have the most impact regarding this Ultimate buff. Omen can open the door or close the door in his Ultimate form and return to where he started his teleport.

This new feature allows Omen for multiple plays. He can now confuse opponents by closing doors to fake rotations. Apart from that, Omen can now close doors for post-plant situations and eliminate holding one choke point. In Ascent, Omen can close off Market and Tree, forcing players to hold the remaining two possible choke points.
Many players initially underestimated the impact of this small change on the game, but it does allow for new Omen strategies.

Omen can pick up a gun while he’s in his ultimate form.

Another major feature that has been added to Omen’s ultimate is the option for him to swap guns in his ultimate form. While defending, if a teammate loses the Operator early, Omen can ult, grab his gun from anywhere, and use it. Ideally, losing an Operator while defending is dangerous and can completely turn the game. Now, with the new and improved “From the Shadows” (Omen’s ultimate), players can retrieve important guns before opponents access them.

Another viable strategy would be to grab the guns of opponents during eco rounds. In case a team manages to get the first blood, Omen can use his ultimate to grab that gun and help the team win the round. Especially in eco rounds, this strategy is pretty powerful, and getting access to a rifle might just guarantee a thrifty round.

All in all, these new changes to Omen have brought multiple new strategies into Valorant. As stated in the intro of this guide, the addition of Clove had already changed the meta into a double-controller meta. Slowly, new features have been added to other controllers as well, and Riot wants to increase the usage of controllers. The majority of the players in the early years of the game struggled to pick up the controller role. Now, new players who want to learn the controller role can opt for agents like Clove and Harbor as they are pretty straightforward agents to play.

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