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League of Legends Reddit: A Comprehensive Guide to the Online Community

League of Legends (LoL) is a popular online multiplayer game developed by Riot Games. With over 100 million active players worldwide, it is one of the most played games in the world. As with any popular game, there is a large community of players who discuss and share their experiences and opinions about the game. One of the most popular places to do this is on the League of Legends subreddit.

The League of Legends subreddit is a community-driven forum where players can discuss all aspects of the game. From champion strategies to patch notes and upcoming events, the subreddit is a hub of activity for LoL players. With over 3 million members, it is one of the largest gaming subreddits on the platform. Players can also share their fan art, cosplay, and other creative works related to the game.

History of League of Legends Reddit

League of Legends Reddit, also known as r/leagueoflegends, is a subreddit dedicated to the popular online game League of Legends. It was created on January 13, 2010, and has since grown to become one of the most active subreddits on the platform.

The subreddit serves as a hub for League of Legends players and fans to discuss the game, share news and updates, ask for help, and connect with other players. It has become a go-to source for the latest information on the game, as well as a platform for players to voice their opinions on various aspects of the game.

The subreddit has a team of moderators who ensure that the community remains a safe and respectful space for all players. They enforce rules around topics such as hate speech, spam, and personal attacks, and work to maintain a positive and constructive atmosphere.

Over the years, the subreddit has grown in popularity and influence, with many players and fans turning to it as their primary source of information and discussion around the game. It has also become a platform for Riot Games, the developers of League of Legends, to communicate with players and share updates on the game.

Overall, the history of League of Legends Reddit is one of growth and community, with the subreddit playing an important role in the wider League of Legends ecosystem.

How to Navigate League of Legends Reddit

League of Legends Reddit is a vibrant community where players can share their experiences, ask questions, and discuss the game. However, with so much content available, it can be overwhelming for new users to navigate the platform. In this section, we’ll explore some tips and tricks for navigating League of Legends Reddit like a pro.

Finding Popular Posts

One of the easiest ways to find popular posts on League of Legends Reddit is by checking the “Hot” tab. This tab displays the most upvoted posts on the subreddit. Users can also sort posts by “Top” to see the most upvoted posts of all time or by “New” to see the most recent posts.

Another way to find popular posts is by checking the subreddit’s front page. This page displays the most popular posts from all the subreddits a user subscribes to. Users can customize their front page by subscribing to different subreddits.

Searching for Specific Topics

Users can search for specific topics on League of Legends Reddit by using the search bar located at the top of the subreddit. Users can also use advanced search options to narrow down their search results.

Another way to find specific topics is by using the subreddit’s filters. Users can filter posts by flair, which is a label that categorizes posts. For example, users can filter posts by the “Discussion” flair to see posts that are meant for discussion.

Understanding User Flairs

User flairs are labels that users can assign to themselves to indicate their in-game rank, region, or favorite champion. Understanding user flairs can be helpful when engaging in discussions on League of Legends Reddit.

To view a user’s flair, simply look next to their username. Users can assign or change their flair by clicking on the “Edit Flair” button located on the right side of the subreddit.

In conclusion, navigating League of Legends Reddit can be easy with these tips and tricks. By using filters, searching for specific topics, and understanding user flairs, users can find the content they’re looking for and engage in discussions with other players.

Community Guidelines

The League of Legends subreddit has a set of guidelines that all members are expected to follow. These guidelines aim to create a healthy and constructive environment for fans of the game to discuss and share news about League of Legends.

Posting Rules

When posting on the subreddit, users are expected to adhere to a set of rules. These rules include:

  • No personal attacks or hate speech
  • No spamming or self-promotion
  • No NSFW content
  • No witch-hunting or doxxing

Violating these rules may result in a post being removed or a user being banned from the subreddit.

Commenting Policies

In addition to posting rules, there are also policies regarding comments. These policies include:

  • No personal attacks or hate speech
  • No spamming or self-promotion
  • No NSFW content
  • No witch-hunting or doxxing

In addition, comments should be relevant to the discussion and contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way. Comments that do not meet these criteria may be removed.

Moderation and Reporting

The subreddit is moderated by a team of volunteers who work to ensure that all members follow the guidelines. Users can report posts or comments that they believe violate the rules, and moderators will review these reports and take appropriate action.

Overall, the community guidelines aim to create a positive and respectful environment for all members to discuss and share their passion for League of Legends.

Popular Categories

The League of Legends subreddit is a bustling community of players, fans, and enthusiasts. It is a place where people come together to discuss all things related to the game, share their thoughts and opinions, and engage with one another in a meaningful way. Among the many categories of discussion that take place on the subreddit, there are a few that stand out as particularly popular.

Gameplay Discussions

One of the most active categories on the League of Legends subreddit is gameplay discussions. This is where players come to talk about the mechanics of the game, share strategies and tips, and ask for advice on how to improve their gameplay. From champion-specific discussions to broader topics like item builds and map awareness, there is always something new to learn and discuss in this category.

Esports Discussions

Another popular category on the subreddit is esports discussions. With the rise of competitive League of Legends, many fans have become deeply invested in the professional scene. This category is where fans come to discuss their favorite teams and players, share highlights and clips from recent matches, and speculate about upcoming events and tournaments.

Fan Art and Cosplay

Finally, fan art and cosplay are two categories that have become increasingly popular on the League of Legends subreddit in recent years. This is where fans come to share their creative projects, whether it’s a painting of their favorite champion or a full cosplay outfit. With so many talented artists and cosplayers in the community, this category is always full of stunning and inspiring works of art.

Overall, the League of Legends subreddit is a vibrant and active community that offers something for everyone. Whether you’re a casual player or a die-hard fan, there are plenty of discussions and topics to explore.

How to Participate

Participating in the League of Legends subreddit is easy and straightforward. The subreddit is a great place to connect with other players, share your experiences, and learn more about the game. Here are a few ways to participate:

Creating Posts

To create a post, simply click on the “Create Post” button on the right-hand side of the subreddit. From there, you can choose to create a text post, an image post, or a link post. Be sure to read the subreddit rules before creating a post to ensure that your post is appropriate and follows the guidelines.

When creating a post, make sure to include a descriptive title and provide context in the body of the post. This will help other users understand what your post is about and engage with it.


Commenting on posts is a great way to engage with other players and share your thoughts and opinions. To comment on a post, simply click on the “Comment” button below the post. Be sure to read the post and any previous comments before commenting to ensure that your comment is relevant and adds value to the discussion.

When commenting, be respectful and avoid personal attacks or offensive language. Remember that the subreddit is a community of players who share a common interest in League of Legends.

Voting and Ranking

Voting and ranking posts and comments is a great way to help the subreddit community identify the most interesting and relevant content. To vote on a post or comment, simply click on the upvote or downvote arrow next to the post or comment.

When voting, consider the quality and relevance of the content, as well as the contribution it makes to the community. Remember that the subreddit is a community-driven platform, and your votes and rankings help shape the content that is displayed.

Advanced Tips

Experienced players of League of Legends are always looking for ways to improve their gameplay. Here are some advanced tips that can help players take their skills to the next level:

1. Master Champion Mechanics

Mastering the mechanics of your favorite champions is one of the most important things you can do to improve your gameplay. This means understanding their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as knowing how to use them effectively in different situations. Take the time to practice with your champion in different scenarios, and learn how to use their abilities in combination with each other.

2. Map Awareness

Map awareness is crucial in League of Legends, as it allows you to keep track of enemy movements and avoid ganks. Always keep an eye on the minimap and use wards to gain vision of key areas. Additionally, pay attention to the position of your teammates and the enemy team, and adjust your playstyle accordingly.

3. Communication

Communication is key in League of Legends, especially when playing with a team. Make sure to communicate with your teammates, using pings and chat to coordinate your movements and objectives. Additionally, take the time to learn the language of League of Legends, including common terms and abbreviations used by players.

4. Itemization

Itemization is an important aspect of League of Legends, as it can greatly impact your gameplay. Make sure to take the time to learn about different items and their effects, and adjust your item builds based on the situation. Additionally, consider the items that your opponents are building, and adjust your own build accordingly.

By mastering champion mechanics, map awareness, communication, and itemization, players can greatly improve their gameplay in League of Legends. Keep practicing and experimenting with different strategies, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top player.


The League of Legends subreddit is a vibrant community where players and fans of the game come together to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences. With over 6.7 million subscribers, it is one of the most active gaming communities on Reddit.

The subreddit is home to a wide range of content, including gameplay highlights, fan art, cosplay, memes, and discussions about the game’s lore, balance, and competitive scene. Users can also find news and updates about the game, such as patch notes, upcoming events, and esports tournaments.

One of the subreddit’s strengths is its sense of community. Users are encouraged to be respectful and constructive in their interactions with one another, and moderators are quick to remove any content that violates the subreddit’s rules. This creates a positive and welcoming environment where players of all skill levels can come together to share their love of the game.

Overall, the League of Legends subreddit is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends in the game, connect with other players, and share their own experiences and perspectives. Whether you’re a casual player, a hardcore fan, or a professional esports athlete, there’s something for everyone on this vibrant and engaging community.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some tips for climbing the League of Legends ranked ladder on Reddit?

If you’re looking to climb the League of Legends ranked ladder on Reddit, there are a few tips that can help. First, focus on mastering a few champions instead of trying to play every champion in the game. Second, communicate effectively with your team and try to maintain a positive attitude even in the face of adversity. Third, analyze your own gameplay and look for areas where you can improve, such as map awareness and decision-making.

What are the best League of Legends subreddits to follow?

There are many League of Legends subreddits to follow on Reddit, but some of the most popular include r/leagueoflegends, r/summonerschool, r/leagueoflegendsmeta, and r/leagueoflegendsstreams. Each subreddit offers a unique perspective on the game, from general discussion to in-depth analysis of the meta and gameplay.

How can I improve my gameplay in League of Legends according to Reddit?

To improve your gameplay in League of Legends according to Reddit, there are a few key areas to focus on. First, work on your mechanics by practicing last-hitting, dodging skill shots, and using abilities effectively. Second, focus on map awareness and vision control, which can help you make better decisions and avoid ganks. Third, learn how to play different roles and champions effectively, which can help you adapt to different situations and team compositions.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in League of Legends competitive play on Reddit?

There are several common mistakes to avoid in League of Legends competitive play on Reddit. First, avoid tilting or getting frustrated, which can lead to poor decision-making and communication. Second, don’t overextend or take unnecessary risks, which can leave you vulnerable to ganks and enemy attacks. Third, avoid blaming your teammates for mistakes or losses, and focus on your own gameplay and areas for improvement.

What are the current League of Legends meta picks according to Reddit?

The current League of Legends meta picks according to Reddit can vary depending on the patch and current state of the game. However, some popular picks in recent months have included champions like Garen, Darius, Yasuo, and Kai’Sa. It’s important to keep in mind that the meta can change quickly, so it’s always a good idea to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and changes.

What are some popular League of Legends streamers to watch on Reddit?

There are many popular League of Legends streamers to watch on Reddit, each with their own unique style and approach to the game. Some of the most popular include Tyler1, Faker, Doublelift, and Sneaky. Watching these streamers can be a great way to learn new strategies and techniques, as well as stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the game.

Written by
Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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