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GUIDE | How to best dive in League of Legends

In the dynamic and competitive League of Legends (LoL) world, every strategy, move, and decision counts. One of the most daring and game-changing maneuvers is the dive. In the context of LoL, diving refers to chasing an enemy champion under their turret, risking turret damage to ensure a kill. While this is a high-risk, high-reward strategy, mastering the art of diving can significantly tip the scales in your favor. This article will guide you in executing the perfect dive in League of Legends.

What you need to dive in League of Legends

Before executing a successful dive, you must meet several prerequisites.

  • Champion selection: Not all champions are equal when it comes to diving. Champions with high survivability, mobility, and crowd control are ideal for diving. For example, Alistar’s ultimate ability can reduce turret damage, making him a great diver.
  • Health and Level: Diving is risky, and you should ensure your champion has enough Health and Level to survive turret fire while ensuring death.
  • Map Knowledge: Knowing where the enemy team is at all times is crucial. Diving in when the enemy team could easily collapse on you is a recipe for disaster.
  • Wave management: You need your minion wave to push toward the enemy turret. This damages the enemy champion and absorbs some of the turret fire.

How to execute the dive move in League of Legends

Now that we’ve covered the prerequisites let’s dive into the actual execution of the dive.

  • Coordinate with your team: Communication is the key to success. Ensure your team is aware of your intentions and ready to follow through.
  • Assess the risk: Before diving in, assess the enemy champion’s health, summoner spells, and abilities. If he has crowd control or a lot of burst damage, he could turn the dive against you.
  • Initiate the dive: The champion with the highest survivability should initiate the dive. He should first receive the turret attack and absorb the initial shots.
  • Secure the kill: Use your skills and auto-attacks to remove the enemy champion quickly. Remember that the longer the dive, the more turret shots you will receive.
  • Drop the turret: After securing the kill, immediately move out of its range to reduce its aggressiveness. Use any available mobility skills to escape quickly.
  • Map Awareness: After the dive, assess the map situation. If the enemy team is missing, retreat immediately to avoid being knocked down.
  • Respawn: If successful, use the advantage gained from the dive to secure objectives, push lanes, recover, and purchase items.

Diving is a high-risk, high-reward strategy that, if executed correctly, can provide significant advantages in League of Legends. It requires careful planning, coordination, and timing. Remember that a failed dive can be as disastrous as a successful one can be beneficial, so exercise caution and judgment. With practice and experience, you can master the art of the dive and take your LoL game to new heights.

Written by
Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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