Valorant has been out for about 4 years now, and players are still struggling to rank up. While most players have a background in other games, Valorant is still considered one of the toughest FPS games to rank up in. There are players hard-stuck in gold lobbies while their aim suggests they should be in way higher ranks. In Valorant, aim plays an important role, but it isn’t everything. The ability to master agents and maps attributes to significant improvement in way lesser time. In this guide, let’s break down the top tips for beginners to easily rank up in Valorant.
Rank Up Tip 1: Avoid the “wavy” crosshair style!
The first tip for any beginner in Valorant would be to focus on their crosshair. Typically, in most battle royale games, players have to look towards the ground constantly for loot and ammo. In Valorant, locking onto angles at headshot level is what the game is all about. Hence, the “wavy” crosshair technique refers to running around the map with the crosshair floating all over the place. Avoid this and instead ensure the crosshair is always locked onto an angle where opponents might peek. Also, make sure the default height of the crosshair is always at head level. This allows for sharper and easier shots onto the enemy.
Rank up Tip 2: Use Valorant’s Range Effectively
Typically, every player warms up performing the basic aiming drills in the range. Hitting 30 bots on medium/hard mode does help every player’s aim, but there are other drills that have to be prioritized. The spike planting and defusing drills in the alternate section of the range are key to ranking up out Valorant’s lower ranks. Try completing these drills in hard mode and be patient with it. The spike planting and defusal tasks are often ignored and highly underrated. Use different guns and abilities to complete these tasks and make.
Rank Up Tip 3: Dry-Run Every Map in the Competitive Pool
Dry running a map is referred to as scaling up a map as an attacker. Players can load into custom maps alone and start from spawn. As an attacker, the objective is to enter the site while clearing all possible angles. Start slowly then improvise by pre-firing all possible angles. Ensure to always maintain head level while doing these drills. This is one of the most important drills to learn a map and it is practiced by players even in radiant lobbies.
Rank Up Tip 4: Mini-Map Shows You Everything!
While watching professionals play, in case you feel like their crosshair is off position it’s ideally because they are staring at the mini-map. The mini-map shows everything any teammate can see. For example, Sova’s recon can instantly show players on the mini-map as well as Cypher’s cam. When players are dead in a round, just communicating what they saw on the mini-map accounts for clutch information. Whenever players feel like they’re struggling in a game, just holding all strats and trying to improvise based on the mini-map will win unwinnable rounds.