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Xerath Unleashed: Complete Guide for Beginners


Xerath commands the battlefield with unmatched range and this is something everyone will tell you. 

His arcane blasts deliver punishing damage from a safe distance, forcing opponents to rethink their approach. Unlike champions built for close-quarters combat or roaming, like Zed, Xerath’s power lies in patient positioning, precise spellcasting, and calculated aggression. 

Master these elements, and you’ll control the mid-lane, dictating team fights with carefully aimed strikes. So if you’re ready to play Xerath like never before, we’ve got what you need.

Xerath arcana

Xerath’s Abilities: Mastering Arcane Power

As an Ascended being of pure magical energy, Xerath’s abilities embody his desire for long-range dominance. Understanding the range, interactions, and strategic uses of each spell is the key to unleashing Xerath’s full potential.

Arcanopulse (Q)

Xerath fires a long-range beam of arcane energy in a straight line, damaging all enemies it passes through. Holding the Q key charges the ability, increasing its range and power.

Arcanopulse scales significantly with Ability Power (AP). It has strong base damage and offers consistent poke even in the early game, making it a potent tool for harassment and wave clear.

Arcanopulse boasts an impressive range even without charging. Charging the ability further extends its reach, allowing Xerath to pressure opponents and farm from a safe distance. Landing a fully charged Arcanopulse is incredibly rewarding due to its high damage output.

Eye of Destruction (W)

Xerath blasts an area with arcane energy, slowing enemies within the zone and dealing damage. Targets struck in the center of the blast take additional damage and are slowed by a greater amount.

Eye of Destruction scales well with Ability Power (AP). While less focused on pure damage than Arcanopulse, it’s ideal for securing minion kills and controlling areas of the map.

Eye of Destruction has a significant cast range, allowing Xerath to zone opponents safely. Landing this ability is key to setting up successful follow-up with Arcanopulse (Q) or Shocking Orb (E).

Shocking Orb (E)

Xerath fires a sphere of crackling energy that deals damage and stuns the first enemy it hits. The range of the spell increases if an enemy is hit.

Shocking Orb has a good scaling ratio with Ability Power (AP). While not Xerath’s primary source of damage, it packs a punch, especially against squishy targets.

While its initial range is somewhat limited, Shocking Orb gains significant extra range upon hitting a target. This makes it ideal for long-range sniping or peeling for yourself when enemies get too close.

Rite of the Arcane (R)

Xerath roots himself in place, gaining the ability to fire three long-range blasts of arcane energy anywhere on the map. These blasts deal significant damage and briefly create a slowing field upon landing.

Rite of the Arcane scales extremely well with Ability Power (AP). A well-placed ultimate can single-handedly secure kills or turn the tide of a teamfight, especially combined with items that boost magic penetration.

Rite of the Arcane’s most unique feature is its global range. This makes Xerath a potent threat from any location and allows him to directly influence fights across the map.

Laning Phase Dominance: Xerath’s Early Game

The laning phase is where Xerath establishes his presence. We’ll discuss how to effectively farm, trade, manage the minion waves, and avoid enemy ganks for a successful early game.

Harnessing Xerath’s Range

Xerath’s key to a successful early game lies in maximizing the distance between him and his opponent. Here’s how to turn your range advantage into lane dominance:

  • Farming from afar. Practice last-hitting minions with uncharged Arcanopulse (Q) to conserve mana. Use your fully charged Arcanopulse to secure last hits on cannon minions or poke your opponent when they go for farm.
  • Zone control. Eye of Destruction (W) is a potent tool for zoning. Cast it strategically to prevent your opponent from approaching the minion wave, forcing them to make risky choices to secure gold.
  • Patient poke. Look for opportunities to land uncharged Arcanopulse (Q) or the center of Eye of Destruction (W) to consistently chip away at your opponent’s health bar.

Wave Management and Pressure

Controlling the minion wave is crucial for success with Xerath. Here’s how to use his abilities to manipulate the lane to your advantage:

  • Pushing for pressure. When uncontested, use Arcanopulse (Q) and Eye of Destruction (W) to quickly clear minion waves. This forces your opponent under their turret, denying them gold and experience, and can open up opportunities to roam or place deep wards in the enemy jungle.
  • Freezing for safety. If concerned about ganks or facing a difficult matchup, focus on last-hitting with uncharged Arcanopulse (Q) to keep the minion wave closer to your tower. This offers more safety and makes it harder for your opponent to engage directly.
  • Setting up ganks. Shocking Orb (E) is a powerful tool for coordinating with your jungler. Landing a stun followed by your full combo can significantly increase the chances of a successful gank, especially if your opponent has already been poked down.

Trading and Aggressive Play

While Xerath is primarily a long-range mage, there are situations where landing a full combo can secure a kill or force your opponent to play defensively. Here’s how to capitalize on those openings:

  • Know your damage. As you level up and gain items, keep track of how much damage your basic combo (Eye of Destruction into Arcanopulse and Shocking Orb) can deal. This will help you gauge when you can force trades or even go for an all-in.
  • Opportunistic stuns. While Shocking Orb (E) is an excellent defensive tool, don’t be afraid to use it proactively when you have the range advantage. Landing a stun followed by a fully charged Arcanopulse (Q) can deal significant damage, putting your opponent on the back foot.
  • Post-6 power spike. Rite of the Arcane (R) is a major threat, even in the early game. Use it to finish off a weakened opponent or punish them for staying in lane too long while low on health.

Important note: Always consider the risks before going for an aggressive play. Assess the position of the enemy jungler, your mana pool, and whether you have vision to avoid being counter-ganked.

Surviving Ganks and Staying Safe

Xerath’s immobility makes him a potential target for ganks. Here’s how to minimize your risk and focus on thriving in the mid-lane:

  • Ward placement. Strategic warding is essential. Prioritize placing wards in the river bushes and the side of the lane where you feel most vulnerable to ganks. Invest in a control ward for deep vision.
  • Map awareness. Pay attention to the minimap frequently. If the enemy jungler or mid-laner disappears from their lane, assume they might be moving toward you, and play more defensively.
  • Positioning is key. Avoid overextending, especially before hitting level 6. Stay within a safe distance of your tower, and be mindful of how aggressively you are posturing. Be prepared to fall back if you sense a gank incoming.
  • Respect your opponents. If your opponent has hard crowd control abilities or strong roaming potential, adjust your playstyle accordingly. It’s better to play conservatively and farm safely than to overextend and get caught out repeatedly.

Team Fighting and Positioning: Xerath’s Late-Game Impact

Xerath’s role shifts as the game progresses into large-scale teamfights. His ability to dictate the flow of battle from the backline makes him a force with which to be reckoned.

  • Master your positioning. As Xerath, your primary goal is to remain as safe as possible. Position yourself behind your frontline and maximize your spell range. A well-positioned Xerath is almost untouchable.
  • Prioritize high-value targets. While tempting to simply hit whoever is closest, Xerath excels at sniping down squishy enemy carries. Focus on their backline – the mages and marksmen – who pose the greatest damage threat to your team.
  • Rite of the Arcane’s power. Use Rite of the Arcane (R) to turn the tide of teamfights. Aim for key targets, areas where enemies are clustered, or to secure a kill on a fleeing opponent. Good usage of this ultimate can swing the outcome of the game.

Itemization: Amplifying Xerath’s Power

The right items can bring Xerath’s gameplay to the next level. We’ll discuss core choices for maximizing his damage output and explore situational items to counter specific enemy compositions and threats.

  • Maximize your damage. Xerath thrives on raw Ability Power (AP). Core items like Luden’s Tempest, Shadowflame, and Rabadon’s Deathcap will significantly boost your damage output.
  • Penetrating enemy defenses. Items like Void Staff are crucial for dealing with targets stacking Magic Resist.
  • Situational choices. Build Zhonya’s Hourglass for survivability, Morellonomicon against enemy healing, or Rylai’s Crystal Scepter for additional utility.
  • Resources for advanced builds. Websites like Mobafire or Probuilds provide detailed item builds that adapt to different in-game situations.

Final Thoughts

Xerath demands patience, strategic positioning, and calculated aggression. Master these elements, and you’ll become an unstoppable force, raining down long-range destruction upon any who oppose you. Remember, the further the target, the sweeter the victory. And don’t worry if you can’t get it right the first time because perfection always takes time.

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