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The Best LoL Champions for Learning Support: A Comprehensive Guide

Learning how to play support in League of Legends can be a daunting task for beginners. The support role requires a different set of skills compared to other roles, such as the ability to protect allies, set up kills, and control vision. However, with the right champion selection, beginners can learn the fundamentals of the support role and become effective supports in no time.

There are many champions in League of Legends that are suitable for learning how to play support. Some champions are easier to play than others, and they can help beginners learn the basics of the support role without being overwhelmed. In this article, we will discuss the best LoL champions to learn how to play support, based on their ease of use, versatility, and impact on the game. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player looking to try out the support role, this guide will help you find the right champion to fit your playstyle and preferences.

Understanding the Role of Support

In League of Legends, the support role is crucial to the success of a team. A support champion is responsible for assisting their allies, controlling vision, and protecting their teammates.

The support role is not just about healing and shielding teammates, but also about providing crowd control and setting up kills for the team. A good support player must have excellent map awareness, communicate effectively with their team, and have a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics.

One of the primary responsibilities of a support champion is to control vision on the map. This involves placing wards in strategic locations to provide information about the enemy team’s movements. A support player must also be able to deny vision by destroying enemy wards and using abilities that reveal hidden enemies.

Another critical aspect of the support role is protecting their allies. This can be done by shielding them from damage or using crowd control abilities to prevent enemies from attacking. A support player must also be able to initiate team fights and set up kills for their allies.

In summary, the support role is an essential part of any League of Legends team. A good support player must have excellent map awareness, communication skills, and a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics. By controlling vision, protecting allies, and setting up kills, a support champion can help lead their team to victory.

Key Skills for Support Champions

Playing as a support champion in League of Legends requires a unique set of skills. Support champions are responsible for protecting their allies, setting up kills, and controlling the battlefield. Here are some of the key skills that support champions need to master:

1. Positioning

Positioning is crucial for support champions. A support champion needs to be in the right place at the right time to protect their allies and set up kills. A support champion should always be positioned behind their allies, ready to jump in and protect them if needed.

2. Map Awareness

Map awareness is another important skill for support champions. A support champion needs to be aware of what is happening on the map at all times. This means keeping an eye on the minimap, watching for enemy movements, and communicating with their team.

3. Crowd Control

Crowd control is a key skill for support champions. A support champion needs to be able to control the battlefield, using their abilities to stun, slow, or silence enemy champions. This allows their allies to get in position for a kill or to escape from danger.

4. Communication

Communication is essential for support champions. A support champion needs to be able to communicate effectively with their team, letting them know when to engage, when to retreat, and when to use their abilities. A support champion should also be able to communicate information about the enemy team, such as their location and their abilities.

5. Itemization

Itemization is also important for support champions. A support champion needs to choose the right items to help their team. This often means sacrificing personal items in order to purchase items that benefit the team as a whole, such as wards and support items.

By mastering these key skills, support champions can become an invaluable asset to their team, helping to secure kills, protect allies, and control the battlefield.

Top LoL Support Champions

If you’re new to playing support in League of Legends, it can be overwhelming to choose which champion to play. Here are some of the best support champions to learn how to play the role effectively.


Leona is a great champion to learn how to play support. She is an engage support champion, which means she excels at initiating fights and locking down enemies. Her abilities, such as Shield of Daybreak and Zenith Blade, allow her to stun enemies and set up kills for her team. Additionally, her tankiness allows her to absorb damage and protect her allies.


Thresh is another great champion to learn how to play support. He is a versatile champion that can be played as an engage or disengage support. His abilities, such as Death Sentence and Flay, allow him to hook enemies and peel for his allies. Additionally, his lantern ability provides a way for his allies to escape dangerous situations.


Yuumi is a unique champion that can be difficult to play, but is very rewarding when played effectively. She is a healing and shielding support champion that can attach herself to an ally champion. While attached, she can provide healing and shielding to her ally, as well as use her abilities to slow and root enemies. Additionally, her ultimate ability, Final Chapter, can deal a lot of damage and root enemies in a large area.


Blitzcrank is a powerful engage support champion that can pull enemies towards him with his Rocket Grab ability. This can be a great way to catch enemies out of position and set up kills for his team. Additionally, his Power Fist ability can knock up enemies and his Static Field ability can deal damage in an area around him.


Braum is a tanky support champion that can protect his allies and absorb damage. His abilities, such as Winter’s Bite and Stand Behind Me, allow him to stun enemies and shield his allies. Additionally, his ultimate ability, Glacial Fissure, can knock up enemies and slow them down.

Overall, these champions are great options for learning how to play support in League of Legends. They each have unique abilities and playstyles, so it’s important to experiment with them and find the one that fits your playstyle the best.

Choosing the Right Champion

Choosing the right champion is crucial when learning how to play support in League of Legends. It is important to select a champion that fits your playstyle and complements your team composition.

When choosing a support champion, consider the following factors:


Support champions in League of Legends can be divided into several roles, including Mage, Tank, Enchanter, and Catcher. Each role has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it is important to choose a champion that fits your preferred playstyle.


It is important to choose a champion that can adapt to different situations and team compositions. Some champions are better suited for certain team compositions and playstyles, so it is important to choose a champion that can fill multiple roles.

Champion Abilities

Each champion in League of Legends has a unique set of abilities that can be used to support their team. It is important to choose a champion whose abilities complement your team composition and playstyle.

Free Champion Rotation

New players can take advantage of the free champion rotation to try out different champions before committing to one. This can help players find a champion that fits their playstyle and complements their team composition.

Overall, when choosing a support champion in League of Legends, it is important to consider your playstyle, team composition, and the champion’s abilities. By choosing the right champion, players can learn how to play support effectively and help their team achieve victory.

Mastering Your Chosen Champion

Once you have selected a champion to learn how to play support, it’s time to master them. Here are a few tips to help you become an expert with your chosen champion:

Understand Their Abilities

The first step to mastering any champion is to understand their abilities. Take the time to read through each ability and understand how they work. Pay attention to the range, cooldown, and mana cost of each ability. Knowing when to use each ability is crucial to playing your champion effectively.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The more you play your chosen champion, the better you will become. Take advantage of practice modes to try out different strategies and see what works best for your champion. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; learning from them is an essential part of the process.

Build the Right Items

Each champion has a unique set of recommended items that work well with their abilities. Take the time to research the best items for your champion and experiment with different builds. Finding the right combination of items can make a significant difference in your champion’s effectiveness.

Communicate with Your Team

As a support player, communication is key. Let your team know what you are planning to do and when. Coordinate with your ADC to make sure you are on the same page. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice from your team; they are there to support you too.

By following these tips, you can master your chosen champion and become a valuable asset to your team as a support player.

Effective Communication and Map Awareness

Effective communication and map awareness are crucial skills for any support player in League of Legends. A support player is responsible for providing vision on the map, alerting their team to enemy movements, and coordinating with their teammates to set up plays. Without proper communication and map awareness, a support player will struggle to be effective.

To improve communication, a support player should make use of the in-game ping system. Pinging can alert teammates to danger, signal intentions, and provide information about enemy movements. A support player should also make use of the chat system to communicate more complex information, such as strategy and item builds.

Map awareness is also an essential skill for a support player. A support player should be constantly checking the minimap to keep track of enemy movements and objectives. They should also be aware of their team’s vision and work to provide additional vision where needed. Warding key areas of the map, such as river bushes and the enemy jungle, can provide valuable information and prevent ganks.

To improve map awareness, a support player should also be aware of the enemy team’s champion picks and playstyles. This can help them predict where the enemy team will be and what objectives they are likely to prioritize. A support player should also be aware of their own team’s strengths and weaknesses, and adjust their playstyle accordingly.

By mastering effective communication and map awareness, a support player can become a valuable asset to their team and help secure victory.


In conclusion, learning how to play support in League of Legends can be a challenging task, but it can also be a rewarding experience. By choosing the right champion, players can make the learning process smoother and more enjoyable.

Throughout this article, we have covered some of the best champions to learn how to play support in League of Legends. Each champion has its own strengths and weaknesses, and players should choose the one that fits their playstyle and preferences.

It is important to note that while these champions are great for beginners, they are not the only options available. Players should experiment with different champions and find the one that suits them best.

Overall, with the right mindset and dedication, anyone can become a skilled support player in League of Legends. By following the tips and recommendations outlined in this article, players can start their journey towards mastering this important role.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which support champions are the easiest to learn in LoL?

Learning support in League of Legends can be tough, but some champions are easier to learn than others. According to Dot Esports, some of the easiest support champions to learn in LoL include Soraka, Janna, and Sona. These champions offer a good balance of sustain, crowd control, and poke, making them great for beginners.

What are the best support champions for beginners in 2023 according to Reddit?

According to Reddit, some of the best support champions for beginners in 2023 include Thresh, Leona, and Morgana. These champions have a relatively low skill floor and can be effective in a variety of situations.

Who are the top League of Legends support players to watch and learn from?

If you’re looking to improve your support play, it’s always a good idea to watch and learn from the best. Some of the top League of Legends support players to watch and learn from include CoreJJ, Mikyx, and Ming. These players are known for their exceptional support play and can offer valuable insights into the role.

What factors should I consider when choosing a support champion in LoL?

When choosing a support champion in LoL, there are several factors to consider. First, you should consider your team’s composition and what type of support champion would complement it best. You should also consider your own playstyle and what champions you are most comfortable with. Finally, you should consider the enemy team’s composition and what champions would be most effective against them.

Can you recommend a fun support champion to play in LoL?

If you’re looking for a fun support champion to play in LoL, consider trying out Bard. This champion has a unique playstyle that involves collecting chimes and using them to empower his abilities. He also has a powerful ultimate ability that can turn the tide of teamfights.

What are the best support champions for LoL in 2023?

As of 2023, some of the best support champions in LoL include Thresh, Rakan, and Bard. These champions offer a good balance of utility, crowd control, and damage, making them effective in a variety of situations. However, it’s important to remember that the best support champion for you will depend on your own playstyle and the needs of your team.

Written by
Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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