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Mastering the Cosmos: Best Tech Skills in Starfield

The gaming world is buzzing with the release of Starfield, Bethesda’s highly anticipated space epic.

This ambitious single-player role-playing game takes players on a breathtaking journey through the cosmos, promising a level of freedom and exploration that is truly out of this world. However, to conquer the stars, players must master various technical skills.

This article delves into some of Starfield’s most crucial tech skills.


In the vast expanse of space, security is paramount. Starfield offers comprehensive security skills that allow players to protect their spacecraft and themselves from hostile forces. In addition, this includes the ability to hack enemy systems, disable security protocols, and even take control of enemy drones.

As a result, mastering these skills can turn the tables in your favor during intense space battles, allowing you to outsmart your opponents and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.


Navigating the infinite cosmos is no easy task, so piloting is one of the most essential skills in Starfield. Mastering this skill allows players to precisely maneuver their spaceships, dodge incoming attacks, and explore distant galaxies. In addition, the game’s realistic physics engine means that each spacecraft handles differently, and understanding these nuances can mean the difference between a productive mission and catastrophic failure.

Targeting Control Systems

Having a solid targeting control system changes the game’s rules in the heat of space combat. This ability allows players to simultaneously lock on to multiple targets, track enemy movements, and launch devastating attacks with pinpoint accuracy. In addition, upgrading this skill also unlocks advanced features, such as predictive aiming, which anticipates enemy movements and adjusts aiming accordingly.

Moreover, this skill is especially useful when facing fast-moving enemies or when trying to attack specific weak points on larger enemy ships.

Advanced Shield Systems

Last but not least, we have advanced shield systems. This skill is all about defense, as it allows players to resist enemy attacks and protect their spaceships from damage. Players can upgrade their shields to absorb more damage, regenerate faster, and even reflect enemy attacks. In addition, mastering this skill allows players to customize the properties of their shield, such as adjusting its resistance to different types of damage or extending its coverage to protect nearby allies.

Starfield is a game that rewards players for their mastery of its intricate systems. The technical skills of Security, Piloting, Target Control Systems, and Advanced Shield Systems are just a few examples of this game’s depth and complexity. As a result, understanding and mastering these skills will help players turn their spacecraft into a formidable force capable of meeting any challenge the cosmos throws at them. So strap in, activate your hyperdrive, and prepare for an epic adventure among the stars.

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