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How To Play Like Faker in League of Legends: PRO Guide

Ever watch a League of Legends pro, Faker, and wonder how they make it look so easy? But the simple truth is that that level of practice and knowledge is indeed extremely challenging.

This guide will break down some of the key techniques Faker employs to dominate the midlane.

Master the Art of Minion Waves

First things first, learn about minion waves. These little guys are like gold mines on the map. You want to know how to control them to obtain the best gold and experience possible.

Faker does a good job of “wave management.” This includes knowing when to push the wave into the enemy tower or freeze it near your own.

Manipulating the wave allows you to create ganks with your jungler, block an opponent farm, and give your team freedom to roam other lanes and help others.

Think Two Steps Ahead

League of Legends isn’t about rushing to action either. It’s about predicting what your opponent will do before they even do it. 

Faker is a master of this. He studies his opponent’s champion, playstyle, and even their tendencies in certain situations.

This lets him predict their next move and then counter it with yours.

Use Your Summoner Spells Carefully

Summoner spells are enticing abilities that can change the outcome of the battle. But many players squander them by using them at the wrong time.

Take lessons from Faker! He uses his Summoner Spells to plan his attacks – whether using Ignite before he goes in for the kill or Flash to evade an enemy’s ability.

Recall that timing your Summoner Spells just right can mean the difference between victory and defeat.

The Power of Patience

There’s a time for aggression, along with a time for patience. Faker knows this. He knows that sometimes waiting for the right opportunity is better than making a risky play.

This is especially true of the “Smother Technique.” This is where you put the opponent in the lane and keep pushing the wave toward their tower.

But Faker won’t dive into the tower rashly. He’ll wait for his opponent to make a mistake, such as a risky last hit under the tower, then go for it. 

Refine Your Mechanics

While strategy is important, Faker’s dominance is based on mechanics. Work on your last hit, champion movement, ability accuracy, and animation canceling.

Learning these mechanics will allow you to execute your plans to perfection and outplay opponents in close games 

Master Lane Phase Priority

Faker’s lane phase consists of waves crashing into the opponent’s tower.

This encourages the enemy to stay and farm, resulting in a bounce-back wave Faker can use to roam and grab objectives like honeyfruit.

Lane priority lets you dictate the pace of play and apply pressure to the opponent.

Practice Makes Perfect

Remember, Faker was never an overnight sensation, either. He refined his technique through hundreds of hours of practice.

So, in case you would like to be Faker, work for it. Play games, analyze your mistakes, and take advice from the pros.

You’ll be on your way to League of Legends mastery with dedication and these pro tips!

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I am an award-winning professional Freelance Writer with over 2 years of experience writing for Content Creators and Companies. My work includes SEO, Copywriting, Blog Writing, Content Writing, and Scriptwriting. Also, I just love strategy, MOBA, and FPS games like Valorant, Total War, and League of Legends!

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