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Earthblade: Delayed Arrival from the Makers of Celeste


Earthblade, the enigmatic follow-up from Celeste’s creators, originally announced back in 2021 during The Game Awards, has been pulled further into the realm of “when it’s ready.” 

Originally slated for a 2024 release, the game now has a more nebulous release window. But this isn’t your standard “we need more polish” delay. Let’s unpack why Earthblade might be a mountain taller than its pixel-art predecessor.

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From Madeline Mountain to the Mysteries of Earthblade

If you’ve dug into any of Maddy Thorson’s past interviews, you know the phrase “satisfying to uncover” gets thrown around a lot when describing Earthblade. That’s cryptic, but also incredibly fitting for a team known for hiding strawberries and cassette tapes in the unlikeliest corners of levels. 

However, Celeste wasn’t just a masterclass in platforming. Its narrative depth took many by surprise. Now, with Earthblade, it seems that the philosophy of rewarding exploration is expanding to every facet of the game – the world, its lore, and perhaps even the mechanics themselves.

Earthblade Delayed Arrival

Potential Pitfalls of Ambition

This is where the delay starts making a lot more sense. Celeste, despite its difficulty, had a tight, linear design. Every challenge was built upon the last.

But as the creators explained, Earthblade’s ambition lies in making the game’s “world really click and [be] satisfying to uncover.” We’re talking open exploration, a sense of mystery – it’s a massive leap in complexity.

It’s one thing to meticulously craft a single treacherous path up a mountain. It’s another entirely to ensure that a sense of satisfying discovery remains when players can wander in any direction.

The Silver Lining: When a Delay Breeds Anticipation

Delays are always a bummer, no question. But let’s be honest, none of us want a rushed Earthblade.

Celeste set a sky-high bar; its tight controls, moving narrative, and hidden heart were a lightning-in-a-bottle combination. Rushing to replicate that magic, especially with a more ambitious design, would be a disservice to both the creators and the fans.

This delay, frustrating as it might be, actually signals something positive. It means the team at Extremely OK Games isn’t compromising on their vision.

We might not know the exact snags they’ve hit, but it’s clear they’d rather push the release back than deliver a game that doesn’t have that special feeling of uncovering its secrets at your own pace. 

After all, we were originally anticipating Earthblade’s arrival sometime in 2024; this shift, announced in March of that same year, highlights the team’s dedication to quality over a set deadline.

This decision might sting now, but it could pave the way for the kind of launch that cements Earthblade as yet another indie classic, well worth the wait.


While the delay from its initial 2024 window might be a touch disappointing, it’s ultimately a sign of a team refusing to compromise their vision. Earthblade is shaping up to be a special experience, and whenever it finally does arrive, it’s certain to have been worth the wait.

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