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Dragon’s Dogma 2 Sunstone: BEGINNER Guide

In the vast realms of Dragon’s Dogma 2, a precious commodity exists – Sunstone. This material holds the key to fortifying your arsenal. 

Alas, its scarcity poses a formidable challenge, especially for newcomers. Fear not, for this guide shall illuminate the path to acquiring Sunstone.

Mining Sunstone

The primary way to obtain Sunstone is through mining. Sunstone deposits can be found around Dragonsbreath Tower. To reach this tower, players must travel southwest from Bakbattahl. They will follow the road until they spot the tower.

Once at Dragonsbreath Tower, players should explore the surrounding area thoroughly. Sunstone mining nodes are scattered throughout this zone. However, only a few Sunstone deposits will appear each time. Players must mine all available nodes to maximize their chances.

Defeating Enemies

In addition to mining, Sunstone can also drop from specific enemies. Three types of foes have a chance to yield:

  1. Grim Ogres (8.33% drop rate)
  2. Serpents (10% drop rate)  
  3. Gorechimeras (10.52% drop rate)

Grim Ogres roam around Bakbattahl, making them relatively accessible targets. In contrast, Gorechimeras are extremely rare. One Gorechimera spawns near the Griffin Crash Site early in the game. After defeating this enemy, players cannot reliably find more.

Serpents fall somewhere in the middle regarding availability. While less common than Grim Ogres, they appear more frequently than Gorechimeras. Defeating these monsters takes considerable effort due to their strength.


The final option for acquiring Sunstone involves purchasing it from Mubarak. This wandering merchant operates in northern Battahl. He sells each for 3,000 gold pieces. Unfortunately, Mubarak only stocks one Sunstone at a time. His inventory replenishes every four in-game days.

Locating Mubarak can prove difficult since he constantly moves along Battahl’s northern roads. Players must keep an eye out for a beastren carrying a backpack.

Using Sunstone

Once players have Sunstone, they can enhance various powerful items:

  • Vermundian Heaven’s Key
  • Battahli Heaven’s Key  
  • Elven Heaven’s Key
  • Dwarven Heaven’s Key
  • Vermundian Dragon’s Breath
  • Elven Dragon’s Breath

Adventurers can make gear stronger by visiting vendors. These vendors allow upgrading items with rare materials and gold. Upgrading gives better stats or special effects. 

Find vendors in towns like Melve or Vernworth. Keep your weapon sheathed to avoid scaring vendors accidentally.


For the new players in Dragon’s Dogma 2, the pursuit of Sunstone demands perseverance. Mining at Dragonsbreath Tower offers the surest path while besting beasts and bargaining with Mubarak present auxiliary avenues. Armed with this wisdom, newbies can embark on their quest, steadily amassing this rare and revered resource.

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I am an award-winning professional Freelance Writer with over 2 years of experience writing for Content Creators and Companies. My work includes SEO, Copywriting, Blog Writing, Content Writing, and Scriptwriting. Also, I just love strategy, MOBA, and FPS games like Valorant, Total War, and League of Legends!

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