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3 Zero Build Tips You Must Know for Fortnite Chapter 5

It’s been a while since Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1 was released. If you’ve been grinding the game throughout this time, it’s likely that you have finished and unlocked all the Battle Pass tiers. Lego, rocket racing, and Festival Jam stage really brought the game back to life by offering players a variety of modes to experience. But, to be honest, the initial hype of all those modes seems to have died down, and everyone’s back on the Battle Royale grind.

Now that we are so far into the season, I feel this is the perfect time to go through 3 crucial zero build tips you could use in your daily games to secure those Victory Royales. Let’s get straight into it.

Tip 1: Snipers are overpowered, and everyone has them.

Snipers in Chapter 5 are absolutely broken and have to be feared as you climb up the ranks. What not many people are aware of is the fact that when you scope in, the glint of light effect alerts players that they are being aimed at. This is how we know when we are being targeted. For some reason, though, the 2x scope isn’t showing the glint ( light) effect, and many say that this is a bug that will be fixed soon. The takeaway from this pointer is that even if you don’t see a glint effect, there is a high chance that you are being aimed at by a sniper with a 2x scope.

The best way to take out sniper players is to make sure you mix your angles and don’t peek from the same place. Mix your peeks and ensure that every shot you take is from an angle the opponent isn’t expecting. Never take two shots back to back from the same angle.


Tip 2 : Stop Pushing with an Auto Shotgun

The auto shotgun is a pretty easy gun to get used to as it has a faster fire rate and you don’t have to switch to another weapon to complete the kill. Unfortunately, many players make the mistake of blindly jumping out of vehicles to push an enemy with just an auto shotgun. Well, this tactic is best played with a pump shotgun-SMG combo. When it comes to the auto shotgun, you will have to hit 3-4 shots to completely eliminate the opponent. Hence, always engage with the auto shotgun with some sort of cover for you to hide between the shots. Right-hand peeks from behind rocks to just regular jump shots from behind any cover are how this gun is best played out.

If you want to go all “Rambo” on your opponent, opt for the pump-SMG combo instead of committing to a fight with just an auto shotgun.


Tip 3: The SUVs do more than just transport. 

The newly introduced SUV or four-wheel drive has a ton of health, and because of that, you could use it as cover while fighting. Unlike the traditional cars that blow up in two magazines of an Assault rifle, the new SUVs come with much more health, and pro-players have completely shifted over to using these SUVs while rotating within the map. At any point in time, you can hop out of the SUV and shoot from behind it, using the vehicle as cover. Just make sure you peek from the right-hand side of the SUV to ensure maximum cover and protection during the fight.


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