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Kayle Counters: Top 5 Champions to Shut Down the Angel of Justice

Kayle is a powerful champion in League of Legends, but even the strongest champions have their weaknesses. In this article, we will explore the best Kayle counters to help you win your next game.

Kayle is a versatile champion who can be played in multiple roles, including top lane, mid lane, and even support. She is known for her ability to deal massive damage while also providing utility to her team. However, Kayle is not invincible, and there are certain champions who can counter her effectively. By understanding these counters, you can gain an advantage in champion select and increase your chances of victory.

In the following sections, we will provide a list of the best Kayle counters, along with tips on how to play against her. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a new player, this guide will help you navigate the world of League of Legends and emerge victorious against Kayle.

Understanding Kayle

Kayle is a versatile champion in League of Legends, capable of playing in multiple roles including top lane, mid lane, and support. She is a ranged champion who can also transform into a melee champion after level 6. In this section, we will discuss Kayle’s abilities, as well as her strengths and weaknesses.

Kayle’s Abilities

Kayle’s kit consists of four basic abilities and an ultimate ability. Her passive, Divine Ascent, grants her bonus attack speed and bonus movement speed when she attacks enemies. Her Q ability, Radiant Blast, deals magic damage to enemies in a target area and slows them for a short duration. Her W ability, Celestial Blessing, heals herself or an ally and grants bonus movement speed. Her E ability, Starfire Spellblade, empowers her next basic attack to deal bonus magic damage and splash damage to nearby enemies. Her ultimate ability, Divine Judgment, makes her or an ally invulnerable for a short duration.

Kayle’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Kayle’s strengths include her ability to deal both physical and magic damage, her range, and her ultimate ability’s invulnerability. She can also farm safely in lane with her ranged attacks and use her ultimate to save herself or an ally from certain death. In addition, her passive grants her bonus movement speed, allowing her to kite enemies and escape danger.

However, Kayle also has weaknesses. She is weak in the early game and can be easily bullied by aggressive laners. Her ultimate ability has a long cooldown, so she must use it wisely. She is also vulnerable to crowd control, as she has no way to cleanse herself or an ally.

Overall, Kayle is a versatile champion with strengths and weaknesses that must be taken into account when playing her. Players should focus on farming safely in the early game and using her ultimate ability to turn fights in their favor.

Identifying Kayle Counters

Kayle is a powerful champion in League of Legends, but like any champion, she has her weaknesses. In order to be successful against a Kayle player, it’s important to know which champions are strong against her. This section will provide some insight on how to identify Kayle counters.

Top Lane Kayle Counters

In the top lane, Kayle is often played as a ranged champion with strong poke and sustain. This makes her difficult to deal with for many melee champions. However, there are a few champions that can handle her in lane and even come out ahead.

Some of the top lane champions that are strong against Kayle include:

  • Nasus: Nasus is a great counter to Kayle because he can sustain through her poke and build up stacks on his Q while she tries to harass him. Once he has enough stacks, he can all-in her and win the trade.
  • Tryndamere: Tryndamere is another champion that can sustain through Kayle’s poke and all-in her. His ultimate also makes it difficult for Kayle to kill him in a trade.
  • Malphite: Malphite is a tanky champion that can survive Kayle’s poke and all-in her with his ultimate. He can also slow her attack speed, making it difficult for her to deal damage.

Mid Lane Kayle Counters

In the mid lane, Kayle is often played as an AP carry with strong burst damage. This makes her difficult to deal with for many mages. However, there are a few champions that can handle her in lane and even come out ahead.

Some of the mid lane champions that are strong against Kayle include:

  • Diana: Diana is a great counter to Kayle because she can all-in her with her ultimate and burst her down quickly. She can also shield herself from Kayle’s damage and poke with her W.
  • Zed: Zed is another champion that can burst Kayle down quickly with his ultimate. He can also dodge her poke with his W and harass her with his Q.
  • Fizz: Fizz is a champion that can dodge Kayle’s poke with his E and all-in her with his ultimate. He can also deal a lot of damage with his W and Q combo.

By understanding which champions are strong against Kayle, players can gain an advantage in lane and increase their chances of winning the game. It’s important to note that these are just a few examples and there may be other champions that can also counter Kayle effectively.

Counter Strategies

Kayle is a powerful champion that can dominate the game if left unchecked. However, there are several strategies that players can use to counter her and prevent her from snowballing out of control.

Early Game Strategy

Kayle’s early game is relatively weak, and she can be easily bullied by aggressive laners. Champions like Darius, Renekton, and Garen can all take advantage of her weak early game and put her behind. Players should focus on denying her CS and preventing her from scaling into the mid and late game.

Mid Game Strategy

As Kayle starts to scale, players should focus on shutting her down and preventing her from carrying the game. Champions with strong engage and crowd control, such as Malphite, Pantheon, and Jarvan IV, can all make it difficult for Kayle to position herself in team fights. Players should also look to invade her jungle and deny her resources.

Late Game Strategy

In the late game, Kayle becomes an unstoppable force that can decimate entire teams. However, there are still strategies that players can use to counter her. Champions with strong burst damage, such as Zed, Talon, and LeBlanc, can all quickly take down Kayle before she has a chance to react. Players should also focus on peeling for their carries and preventing Kayle from getting onto them.

Overall, countering Kayle requires a combination of aggressive laning, strategic team fighting, and smart resource denial. Players who can successfully shut down Kayle and prevent her from scaling will have a much easier time winning the game.

Optimal Champion Picks

When it comes to countering Kayle, it is important to pick champions that can either out-sustain her damage output or burst her down quickly. Here are some optimal champion picks to consider:

Tank Champions

Tank champions are a great option to counter Kayle due to their high health pools and ability to soak up damage. Some of the best tank champions to use against Kayle include:

  • Malphite: With his high armor and ability to slow Kayle’s attack speed, Malphite can easily sustain Kayle’s damage output and even turn the tables with his ultimate ability.
  • Ornn: Ornn’s ability to stack armor and magic resist makes him a great pick against Kayle. His ultimate ability can also disrupt Kayle’s positioning, making it easier for his team to take her down.
  • Nasus: Nasus can stack his Q ability to increase his damage output and sustain against Kayle. His W ability can also slow Kayle’s attack speed, making it easier for him to survive her damage output.

Assassin Champions

Assassin champions are another good option to counter Kayle due to their high burst damage. Some of the best assassin champions to use against Kayle include:

  • Kha’Zix: Kha’Zix’s ability to jump in and out of combat makes him a great pick against Kayle. His Q ability can also deal significant damage to Kayle, especially if he can catch her off-guard.
  • Zed: Zed’s ultimate ability can quickly burst down Kayle’s health, especially if he can land his full combo. His ability to swap positions with his shadow also makes it difficult for Kayle to target him.
  • Talon: Talon’s ability to jump over walls and quickly burst down Kayle makes him a great pick against her. His ultimate ability can also help him escape if he finds himself in a sticky situation.

Mage Champions

Mage champions are another option to consider when countering Kayle due to their ability to deal high burst damage. Some of the best mage champions to use against Kayle include:

  • Annie: Annie’s ability to stun Kayle and deal significant burst damage makes her a great pick against Kayle. Her ultimate ability can also deal area of effect damage, making it easier for her team to take down Kayle.
  • Syndra: Syndra’s ability to pick up and throw objects makes her a great pick against Kayle. Her ultimate ability can also deal significant damage to Kayle, especially if she can land all of her orbs.
  • Viktor: Viktor’s ability to poke Kayle from a distance and deal significant burst damage makes him a good pick against her. His ultimate ability can also stun Kayle, making it easier for his team to take her down.

Overall, when picking champions to counter Kayle, it is important to consider their sustain and burst damage abilities. Tank champions, assassin champions, and mage champions are all viable options to consider.

Item and Rune Recommendations

When facing Kayle in a match, it is important to have the right items and runes to counter her abilities. Here are some recommendations for both:



Thornmail is a great item to counter Kayle’s auto-attacks. It reflects damage back to her and reduces her healing effects.

Randuin’s Omen

Randuin’s Omen is another item that is effective against Kayle’s auto-attacks. It slows her attack speed and movement speed, making it easier to catch her.

Adaptive Helm

Adaptive Helm is a good item to counter Kayle’s magic damage. It reduces the damage from repeated spell hits, which is useful against her E ability.


Grasp of the Undying

Grasp of the Undying is a good rune to take against Kayle. It allows the player to sustain themselves in lane and deal extra damage to Kayle when trading.


Conqueror is another good rune to take against Kayle. It allows the player to deal extra damage and heal themselves during extended fights.

Phase Rush

Phase Rush is a useful rune to take against Kayle’s slow. It allows the player to move quickly after hitting her with three attacks or spells, making it easier to catch her.

Overall, these items and runes can be effective against Kayle in a match. However, it is important to adjust based on the specific situation and the player’s playstyle.


In conclusion, Kayle is a strong champion with a lot of damage potential, but there are several champions that can counter her effectively. Nasus, Irelia, Tahm Kench, and Malphite are some of the best picks against Kayle in the top lane, while Vayne, Lucian, and Jinx are strong ADC picks against her.

It’s important to note that counterpicks are not the only factor in determining the outcome of a game. Skill level, team composition, and overall strategy also play a significant role in determining the winner.

Players should also be aware of Kayle’s strengths and weaknesses when playing against her. She has a weak early game and relies on scaling to become a late-game powerhouse. Players should look to take advantage of this by pressuring her in the early game and denying her farm.

Overall, players should keep these counterpicks and strategies in mind when facing off against Kayle to increase their chances of victory.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some effective strategies for countering Kayle in the top lane?

One effective strategy for countering Kayle in the top lane is to try and zone her out early in the game. Kayle is a weak champion in the early game and can be bullied easily. Players can also try to bait out her ultimate ability and then disengage until it wears off. Another strategy is to build armor and health items to counter Kayle’s magic damage.

What are some champions that have a favorable matchup against Kayle?

Nasus, Tryndamere, Malphite, Pantheon, and Akshan are some of the champions that have a favorable matchup against Kayle in the top lane. These champions have abilities that can counter Kayle’s kit and can also deal significant damage to her.

How does Jax fare against Kayle in the top lane?

Jax is a strong pick against Kayle in the top lane. He has the ability to dodge Kayle’s attacks and can stun her with his Counter Strike ability. Jax can also take advantage of Kayle’s weak early game and snowball the lane in his favor.

What are some tips for playing as Teemo against Kayle?

To play as Teemo against Kayle, players should focus on harassing her with their ranged attacks and shrooms. Teemo’s Blind ability can also be used to counter Kayle’s auto-attacks. Players should also build items that provide magic resistance to counter Kayle’s magic damage.

What are some key things to keep in mind when playing Irelia against Kayle?

When playing Irelia against Kayle, players should focus on farming and scaling up. Irelia’s Q ability can be used to dodge Kayle’s attacks and close the gap between them. Players should also try to bait out Kayle’s ultimate ability before engaging in a fight.

What are some effective ways to play as Yone against Kayle in the mid lane?

To play as Yone against Kayle in the mid lane, players should focus on farming and scaling up. Yone’s E ability can be used to dodge Kayle’s attacks and close the gap between them. Players should also build items that provide magic resistance to counter Kayle’s magic damage.

Written by
Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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