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CoD: Modern Warfare 3 shows gameplay of its spectacular open-world Zombies mode

Finally, all CoD fans have seen what the incredible open-world Zombie mode of Modern Warfare 3 looks like. The game’s developers have shown us a gameplay where we can see what this long-awaited game mode looks like.

Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Mode Gameplay

Activision has finally published the first gameplay trailer of the Zombies mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the franchise’s new game to be released on November 10. This gameplay shows how this traditional mode of the Black Ops saga will debut in Modern Warfare. We can see how the developers have gone to the next level and opted to take this game mode to an open world.

All the details of the ambitious Zombies mode in Modern Warfare 3

This Zombies mode of MW3 will be a PvE of teams of players cooperating in an open environment. In this game mode, multiple squads can work together or go their way while facing menacing masses of undead and other monsters.

On the other hand, in this extraction-based mode, players will have to be especially careful with the ever-expanding ether storm. This storm will consume the map as the game progresses and will become increasingly difficult to survive.

Undoubtedly, new players have never had a better opportunity to start playing Zombies mode. In this new game, players will have vehicles that will help them travel faster through the extensive area of the game, and squads will also be able to move faster. However, it would help if you remembered that players will face many more enemies in this game mode.

On the other hand, fans of this mode will also be reassured because the essential elements remain, for example, the tension that builds as the game progresses, the vending machines, the upgrades, and the secrets.

Now that the game is extraction-based, all players can store and use the weapons they obtained in the following games. On the other hand, players will fight against mercenary warriors working for Terminus Outcomes PMC hired by the main antagonist of the game, Viktor Zakhaev. In addition, they must fight against the usual zombies and other terrifying creatures. At the same time, the developers assure that the most lethal opponent in the game will be one of the biggest zombie beasts ever to appear in this format.

Closed Beta of Modern Warfare 3

We remind all CoD fans that the multiplayer beta of CoD: Modern Warfare 3 will be held this weekend for Xbox and PC versions. This beta test will be available from October 12 to 15.

Written by
Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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