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Classic EA Games Added to Steam

Electronic Arts (EA) has expanded its reach on Steam, signaling a shift in its distribution strategy by making a plethora of vintage games available for purchase. This release marks the end of an era where these titles were once tethered exclusively to EA’s proprietary platform. Gamers can now revisit a wide spectrum of classics such as the strategy game series “Command and Conquer,” along with other iconic games including “Dungeon Keeper” and “Populous.”

The inclusion of these titles on Steam relieves many gamers who prefer this platform, amidst a landscape where many publishers opt to create their own digital storefronts. EA’s pivot follows after its attempt to channel gamers to its EA Origin platform, which recently underwent a rebranding process and encountered various critiques. This move to Steam places revered titles and compilations, such as the comprehensive “Command and Conquer: The Ultimate Collection,” within easier reach, along with games from storied studios like Bullfrog Productions, Maxis, and Firaxis.

Revival of EA’s Timeless Games on Steam

Electronic Arts has expanded its digital distribution by releasing a significant number of its classic games on Steam, giving more players access to its back catalog. The portfolio of additions spans various genres and series, rekindling nostalgic gameplay experiences for players across the globe. Below is an overview of the iconic titles that have been added to the Steam platform:

  • Command and Conquer Series:
    • The genre-defining strategy experience with its various expansions, such as The Covert OperationsTiberian Sun, and their respective sequels, has made a return.
  • Red Alert Subseries:
    • This subseries, including Red Alert 2 and Yuri’s Revenge, brings its alternative historical flare to Steam.
  • SimCity 3000 Unlimited:
    • This classic city-building simulator is now available for urban developers to create metropolises.

Populous Series:

  • Gamers can re-engage with divine powers, reshaping lands and commanding followers in both Trials of the Olympic Gods and The Beginning editions.

Dungeon Keeper Series:

  • The lair-commanding strategy experience is refreshed with Dungeon Keeper Gold and its sequel for dungeon enthusiasts.

Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri Planetary Pack and The Saboteur:

  • These titles offer deep, strategy-oriented gameplay and a gripping action-adventure experience, respectively.

This move signifies a strategic shift for EA, enhancing the accessibility of its older titles beyond the confines of its dedicated Origin/EA App platform. Access to these games on a widely preferred PC gaming platform may invigorate a broader audience, including those formerly reluctant to engage with the Origin system. It reflects an acknowledgment of consumer preferences, catering to players who have long awaited the chance to enjoy these classics on their favored platform.

Written by
Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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