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The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria Game Review

Lord of the Rings Return to Moria

If you’re a Lord of the Rings fan like me, you’ve probably noticed Middle-Earth popping up everywhere in the gaming scene lately. We’ve got Rings of Power, the upcoming Lord of the Rings MMO from Amazon, and the one we’re talking about today – The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all about diving back into the Tolkien universe, but Return to Moria left me with mixed feelings. It’s the first crack at the survival-crafting genre in Middle-Earth, and that alone got me excited. But, truth be told, it didn’t quite hit the same level as some other games in the same net.

The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria Game play

Return to Moria is like the Hobbit trying its hand at Minecraft. It’s got this survival-crafting vibe going on, which is cool, especially if you’re a diehard fan itching for a new Middle-Earth fix. But, and there’s always a but, it doesn’t take the concept to the next level. It’s not a bad game, don’t get me wrong. But if you’re looking for something mind-blowing, you might not find it here.

So, let’s break it down. If you’re into the survival-crafting scene and you love the Lord of the Rings universe, Return to Moria is worth checking out. It’s got that Middle-Earth charm, and crafting your way through the Mines of Moria is a decent adventure. But, if you’re hoping for groundbreaking stuff, it might not be your cup of Lembas bread. Stay tuned for the full scoop on whether this game carves its niche in the Middle-Earth or gets lost in the gaming bin.

The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria – Getting Started

We’re in the Fourth Age of Middle-Earth, post-Lord of the Rings saga. Join Gimli and his dwarf crew as they try to reclaim Moria, their homeland. Exciting, right? But be prepared, it’s not gonna be a walk in the Shire.

Create Your Dwarf

You start by creating your own dwarf. The character creator is simple but gives you enough options to make your dwarf unique. Spend a bit of time perfecting your look – change it whenever you want, because why not have a style upgrade in Middle-Earth?

The Mission

Now, it’s not just about looks. Your mission: reclaim Moria, restore Khazad-dum, and survive Sauron’s leftovers and mysterious corruption. Gear up, grab your pickaxe, and let’s get into the mines.

You can also check the video review of this game here.

Continuing the Adventure: Exploring Moria’s Depths

Now that you’ve created your own dwarf and felt the weight of your quest in the opening cutscene, it’s time to get into the depths of Moria. Brace yourself for the challenges that lie ahead as you have to do your best to reclaim Khazad-dum.

1. Setting Up Base and Crafting Tools

As you start your adventure, the game directs you to find your first homebase, craft your initial tools, and begin mining resources. If you’re a survival-crafting fan, these tasks might feel familiar, but Return to Moria throws in a Lord of the Rings flavor to keep things interesting. The game does a commendable job explaining these mechanics, ensuring that even newcomers to the genre won’t feel lost.

2. The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria | Mining in Middle-Earth

Mining follows the standard survival-crafting formula – construct a pickaxe, mine resources in various nodes, and upgrade your tools to access more valuable materials. Return to Moria adds a twist by introducing foundries for crafting stronger equipment and allowing players to boost their mining prowess through mining songs.

However, there’s a peculiar choice in the game – instead of allowing free exploration, players can only mine through specific walls, limiting their directions and veering away from the genre’s freedom-oriented norm.

3. The Art of Exploration

Exploration becomes a crucial aspect of Return to Moria as you encounter destroyed bases and crafting equipment that require repairs. While the building menu allows some reconstruction, you’ll likely rely on fixing these objects until you learn to build them from scratch. This pushes you to expand, construct multiple bases, and explore every nook and cranny of the mines. However, it’s here that the game’s first shortcoming becomes evident.

The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria: Monotonous Mines

Despite exploration, Return to Moria falls short in the visual department as well. The world feels dull, dominated by monotonous corridors that lack diversity. While the game successfully captures the deep mine atmosphere from Lord of the Rings, it sacrifices interesting exploration in the process.

Dwarf in Moria

The repetitive hallways and lackluster biomes might leave players yearning for a more visually stimulating underground adventure.

Engaging in Battle

As you tread the depths of Moria, combat becomes a frequent companion. Orcs, bears, and wolves are eager to test your strength, pushing you to utilize craftable weapons to fend them off. While the Lord of the Rings universe promises action-packed set pieces, the reality often boils down to repetitive combat encounters. Players find themselves resorting to a simple attack button spam, devoid of exciting combos or unique moves. The enemies, despite their diverse appearances, share a strikingly similar fighting style.

Crafting and Survival

Survival extends beyond combat, requiring players to seek out prey for hide and food. The crafting system plays a vital role here, allowing the creation of weapons and tools to navigate the challenges of Moria. While the game promises action, the combat lacks the depth that could have elevated the overall gaming experience.

Base Building Dilemmas

Beyond exploration and combat, base building takes center stage in the Lord of the Rings Return to Moria. Players can construct their unique dwarven huts, but the game is filled with pre-explored bases. Here lies a peculiar choice – instead of encouraging freeform construction, the game nudges players towards repairing existing bases.

It seems counterintuitive to invest heavily in something new when repairing proves more resource-efficient, contradicting the genre’s typically freeform nature.

The Struggle for Freedom

Return to Moria’s biggest flaw lies in its lack of freedom. Whether in combat or base building, the game fails to bring anything truly innovative to the table. While the cooperative aspect can provide some fun, especially with friends, the overall experience lacks the memorability found in other genre-defining titles. Beyond the allure of the Lord of the Rings brand, Return to Moria struggles to carve a unique identity and stand out in the competitive survival-crafting landscape.

Nasty Bugs in The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria: A Few Glitches on the Adventure

Entering The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria is like stepping into a game of hide-and-seek with bugs. Not the creepy-crawly kind, but the digital ones that can mess with your gaming experience. Nothing is perfect, right? But, come on. Developers should at least give it a good polish once they complete the game.


As you swing your virtual hammer in the Mines, you might notice odd audio dropouts, items taking unexpected detours through the game world, and quest markers overstaying their welcome. It’s like the bugs are throwing their own party in the middle of your dwarven adventure.

Loading Times and Online Hang-Ups

Jumping into online play? Be ready for loading times that feel a bit like waiting for Gandalf. They’ve improved lately, but the wait can still test your patience. It’s a small hiccup in the grand scheme of things.

A Need for a Touch-Up

Return to Moria is a gem in the Mines, but it could use some polishing. Bugs, from minor annoyances to slightly more serious issues, need addressing. The orcs’ repetitive “brutalize” lines may make you wish for a bit more variety in the dialogue. It’s not a game-breaker, just a reminder that every gem needs a bit of shine.

The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria: Honest Opinion

So, let’s talk turkey. To be honest, the current state of Return to Moria is a bit of a mixed bag. On the upside, the developers have heard our cries and announced a patch, targeting over 100 bugs. That’s a big plus, promising to smooth out some of the wrinkles that currently dot the gaming landscape.

In terms of usability, there’s good news on the horizon, too. The dev team spilled the beans on upcoming improvements for inventory management and item gathering, aiming to make our virtual lives a bit easier.

Anyhow, to summarize everything:

  • Upcoming Patch: A major patch is on the horizon, targeting over 100 bugs to improve the overall gaming experience.
  • Usability Improvements: The development team has plans for usability enhancements, focusing on inventory management and item gathering.
  • Soulful Experience: Despite its issues, Return to Moria has a certain charm that keeps players hooked and willing to invest hours in exploring the Mines.
  • Survival-Crafting Formula: While not groundbreaking, the survival-crafting formula remains engaging, offering a compelling journey through Middle-Earth.
  • Focused Story with Survival Mechanics: Unique to Return to Moria is the blend of a focused story with survival mechanics, keeping players in suspense about what lies around the next corner.
  • Tolkien’s Lore and Worldbuilding: The game impressively infuses Tolkien’s lore and worldbuilding, successfully capturing the essence of a Tolkien journey.
  • Flaws and Jank: Acknowledging glitches, repetitive combat, and minor annoyances, Return to Moria is not without its flaws.
  • Worth Exploring for Middle-Earth Fans: Despite its imperfections, the game is recommended for Middle-earth enthusiasts, especially when enjoyed with a friend.
  • Charm Despite Jank: The game’s ability to draw players in, glitches and all, speaks to its undeniable charm and appeal.

With all that in mind, here’s the kicker – even with its flaws, I’ve willingly poured hours into exploring the mines. This shows the game’s ability to draw you in, glitches and all. For Middle-earth enthusiasts, it’s a journey worth taking, especially if you bring a friend along for the ride.


All in all, while The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria has its fair share of bugs and quirks, the upcoming patch shows promise in addressing issues. With its captivating blend of Tolkien’s world and survival mechanics, the game’s charm shines through, making it a worthwhile journey for Middle-earth fans willing to overlook some imperfections.

Will it become a hit? Not so sure. But this game is surely solid, offering a coupel of things we’re not used to. Perpahs, it’s up to us to adapt to changes.

So, let’s be patient and see where this game leads us. Maybe we’re going to see it rise to heights that are not even possible, who knows. 

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As a professional content writer with nearly a decade of experience behind me, I'm always looking for new challenges. I have a strong background in writing, and I am excited to share my skills with you. In my previous positions, I have written compelling copy that has driven conversions and improved customer satisfaction.

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