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Randal Kolo Muani 90 OVR FUT Birthday Promo Card Free in EA FC 24?

With the recent release of the FUT Ultimate Birthday promo, new cards are now available in packs. It’s been a slow few weeks content-wise for EA FC 24. Finally, we see some movement with EA releasing a bunch of new cards, some of which are truly overpowered. It’s an uphill task to unpack these cards through your regular packs as the odds for them to appear in it are really slim. There are new custom packs specifically for this promo, but Fut expert websites like FUTWIZ rate these packs too pricey.

There is a new set of SBC Ultimate Birthday SBC that gives players access to some decent players. Before exchanging excess players for the SBC, make sure to complete the “Objective Challenges” first. Completing player objective challenges in FUT gives players access to highly-rated promo stars, of which Kolo Muani is available this week. In order to complete these EA FC 24 challenges, you will have to mix and match players from specific leagues, teams, or nationalities. This is where the excess players come in handy for meeting the specific requirements.

EA FC 24 Objectives Promo Challenge List

There are seven specific challenges players have to complete to unlock Kolo Muani. For each challenge completed, rewards can be claimed ranging from 580 plus players to 852 players. Players can easily unlock the majority of these challenges by simply finishing the matches normally.

  1. Spanish Wall: Concede only up to 2 goals in four matches with FUT Hector Bellerin in your starting lineup.
  2. Clear Vision: Assist three goals with FUT Hector Bellerin.
  3. Midfield Magic: Start FUT McKennie in three separate matches.
  4. Team Player: Assist and score with FUT McKennie.
  5. Italian Three: Feature FUT Promo Insigne in the starting lineup for three separate matches.
  6. Classy Finish: Score six goals with Insigne.
  7. Perfect Trio: Feature Bellerin, McKennie, and Insigne in the starting lineup for three separate 

Complete the season pass up to Level 30 to finish the Kolo Muani Promo Objective.


The mentioned three players, Hector Bellerin, McKennie, and Insigne, have to be unlocked via the EA FC 24 season pass. Collect XP by playing matches and unlock the season pass until Level 30 to finish these objectives. Players can complete these challenges faster and easier by playing squad battles in semi-pro mode and simply running the matches with ease.

Do not make the mistake of starting with the challenges only after reaching level 30. Reach level 10 in the season pass and start with the Bellerin challenges. Every game played to complete the challenges gives you XP, which in turn speeds up the season progress. Hence, the initial grind should be to get enough XP to unlock the level 10 reward, which is the FUT Promo Bellerin.

By the end of this challenge, players will have unlocked four highly-rated players that are playable in the present meta. Additionally, a total of seven packs are also granted, improving your chances to unlock other highly-rated players. It is crucial to plan this out correctly to save time and make the grind easier. I would suggest spamming rivals matches to complete these objectives, as matchmaking might play a spoilsport and bring in tougher opponents. The focus here should be to unlock all the mentioned players faster than others and make use of them while players are ahead of the grind.

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