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How to Remake in LoL Arena

In the world of online gaming, League of Legends (LoL) remains a titan within the multiplayer online battle arena genre. However, even in the most competitive matches, sometimes players face the need to start over due to various in-game issues or unexpected occurrences. Remaking a game in LoL is a feature that allows players to nullify a match’s results under specific conditions, ensuring fairness and a level playing field.

Understanding how to execute a remake in LoL is crucial for players looking to maintain the integrity of their competitive experience. The remake system can be invoked when particular criteria are met, such as a player being disconnected from the game for an extended period. Once the requirements align, initiating the remake vote is straightforward, but all participants must be informed on the process to execute it successfully.

Understanding the Remake Feature

The Remake feature in League of Legends allows players to vote on restarting the match when certain conditions are met, ensuring fairness in the face of connectivity issues.

Criteria for a Remake Vote

The criteria for initiating a Remake vote are specific.

  • Player Absence: A player must be disconnected or flagged as idle for at least 90 seconds within the first three minutes of the game.
  • First Blood: If a player disconnects or is flagged as idle before first blood (the first kill of the game), their team is eligible to call for a Remake.
  • Team Agreement: A majority of the connected players on the affected team must agree to the Remake for it to proceed.

Timing for Remake Availability

The timeline for the availability of the Remake feature is limited.

  • Start of Voting Period: The Remake vote becomes available at the three-minute mark of game time.
  • End of Voting Period: Players have until the four-minute mark to initiate a Remake vote. If not used by this time, the option expires.
  • Vote Duration: Once initiated, the team has 30 seconds to cast their votes.

Initiating a Remake Vote

In League of Legends, a remake vote allows players to end a match prematurely without penalty if certain conditions are met. This ensures fairness when a player disconnects at the start of a game.

Steps to Propose a Remake

  1. Timing: The option to remake becomes available at the three-minute mark, provided that certain criteria are met. One team must have a disconnected player who has been absent since the match’s beginning or who disconnects before First Blood.
  2. Notifications: Eligible players receive a notification that a remake is possible.
  3. Initiation: A player on the disadvantaged team can initiate the remake vote by typing the appropriate command into the chat.

Commands for Remake in Chat

  • Typing the Command: To propose a remake, type /remake into the chat window after the three-minute mark.
  • Vote Participation: Once the command is entered, a vote is initiated, and teammates can vote to either continue without the missing player or end the game.

Vote Participation

In League of Legends’ Arena mode, the participation in a remake vote is crucial for a fair outcome of the game.

Responding to the Remake Vote

Once the remake vote is prompted, a player should click either Yes or No in the vote window. Time to respond is limited, and a player’s decision can significantly impact the game’s continuation. Each player’s vote carries equal weight, and the majority decides the outcome.

  • Yes Vote: Indicates the player agrees to a remake, which can abort the match without penalty.
  • No Vote: The player wishes to continue with the current match despite the circumstances.

Consequences of Not Voting

Not voting is interpreted as a passive agreement to the majority. Failing to participate in the vote:

  • Counts as a “No” Vote: Non-participation is taken as a desire to continue the game.
  • Can Affect Outcomes: Even a single vote can sway the decision, hence abstaining can lead to unintended match continuations.

It’s essential for players to quickly engage with the voting process, as their inaction can be as influential as a definitive vote.

Outcome of the Remake Vote

A remake vote in League of Legends: Wild Rift determines whether a match is abandoned due to an uneven starting condition, typically a player disconnecting early on. The outcome of this vote has a direct impact on the match continuation and player experience.

Successful Vote Results

When the remake vote succeeds, it means the required majority of players have agreed to abandon the match. These are the specifics:

  • No penalties for most: Players not responsible for the absence won’t receive penalties.
  • LP (League Points) adjustments: There are no gains or losses of LP for any player.
  • Time spent: Time invested in the aborted game is not retrievable.
Role of Player Impact on LP Other Penalties
Players voting for a successful remake No change No additional penalties
Disconnected player LP loss Potential additional penalties based on frequency of disconnects

Failed Vote Scenarios

Should the remake vote fail, the match proceeds as if no vote took place. This is what generally occurs:

  • Continuation of the match: The game continues with the disconnected player absent.
  • LP losses/gains: The match outcome will affect LP in a usual manner.
  • Disconnected player’s penalties: There’s the imposition of standard penalties for leaving the game.
Role of Player Action Required Impact on LP
Players voting against remake Continue playing the match Regular LP gains/losses apply
Disconnected player unable to rejoin Absence for the rest of match Standard LP loss and penalties

In both scenarios, the system is designed to maintain fairness and competitive integrity for those present in the match while penalizing those who disrupt the game.

Post-Remake Process

After a successful remake in League of Legends, certain statistics and systems are affected. This section will provide a clear understanding of how player statistics are impacted and the implications for the LeaverBuster system.

Effects on Player Statistics

When a game is remade in League of Legends, player statistics are typically not impacted negatively. This means that:

  • The match does not count as a played game for anyone.
  • K/D/A (Kill/Death/Assist) ratios and other in-game statistics are not recorded.
  • Players’ champion mastery scores or experience points (XP) remain unaffected.

Understanding the LeaverBuster System

The LeaverBuster system is designed to discourage players from leaving games. Following a remake:

  • Players who were connected and active at the time of the remake will not be penalized.
  • The original leaver or AFK (Away From Keyboard) player who caused the remake is subject to LeaverBuster penalties, which may include:
    • A warning message upon logging back in.
    • Increased queue time delays for future matches.
    • Possibility of bans for repeated offenses.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, the impact of remaking matches on rankings and the relationship between remakes and game abandonment in League of Legends Arena are addressed.

Impact on Rankings

When a player triggers a remake, the game is nullified and typically has no impact on the rankings of either team. This system is designed to avoid penalizing players for uneven matches due to early leavers or connectivity issues.

Remake and Game Abandonment

remake is considered a separate entity from game abandonment. Players involved in a remake will not be penalized as abandoners. However, the initial player who caused the remake due to inactivity or disconnection may face penalties for leaving the game early.

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