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Helldivers 2: Tips and Tricks for BEGINNERS

Helldivers 2 jumped from being a classic game to a co-op third-person shooter with a fun twist. With each mission offering dynamic challenges, Helldivers 2 promises endless hours of excitement and camaraderie among players.

Shields up and weapons armed! Welcome to Helldivers 2. As seasoned gamers often say, there is no such thing as a hard game for those who know how to utilize tips and tricks shared by others. Here are some valuable tips and tricks for beginners diving into the chaotic world of Helldivers 2.

Main Objective

helldivers 2 for beginners

Helldivers 2 is all about completing the main objective, even if things go sideways. Keep your eyes focused on getting the job done first for mission success, even if it means sacrificing secondary goals or a graceful exit. While completing a side quest is tempting (only do quests that can benefit you or your team), prioritize what truly matters – securing victory for Super Earth!

Mastering Map Awareness

Beyond just knowing the map layout, map awareness in Helldivers 2 encompasses a broader understanding of your surroundings. Look for throwable objects like tanks to time your shots and destroy enemy groups. Time your throws carefully to take out large groups or distract them. Making smart use of destructible terrain alongside your weapons is key to dominating the battlefield.

Stratagem as your Best Friend

Choosing the right loadout and stratagems is critical in Helldivers 2 for maximizing your squad’s combat effectiveness. Though all stratagems have pros and cons, consistently using their strengths while mitigating weaknesses through smart timing and combinations allows you to optimize results. Master the synergies between stratagems and loadouts to dominate missions across all types of hazardous planets.

Ship Modules Upgrade

Upgrading weapons and armor is important in Helldivers 2, but don’t neglect your ship modules either. Investing in a well-equipped Destroyer that can provide powerful stratagem support can be a game-changer. Find the right balance between enhancing your squad’s loadouts and boosting your mothership capabilities in order to maximize combat effectiveness on the ground and dominate the enemy across all battlefronts.

Know your weapons

helldivers 2 Thunderer Barrages

Being on the battlefield requires you to know which and what weapons to use in different kinds of situations. Adapt your tactics as needed: air-strafe against explosives, target Stalker weak points with specialized rifles, and employ heavy weaponry against vehicles and structures. Remember, teamwork prevails over firepower in the chaotic world of Helldivers 2.

Run and Hit


You can fire your weapon while sprinting in Helldivers 2! This can be surprisingly effective in a pinch, especially against slower enemies or when you need to maintain mobility while dealing damage. However, firing while sprinting should be a last resort in most situations. Prioritize aiming and utilizing cover for optimal accuracy and damage output. Who wouldn’t want to try hitting while running away, right?

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I am an award-winning professional Freelance Writer with over 2 years of experience writing for Content Creators and Companies. My work includes SEO, Copywriting, Blog Writing, Content Writing, and Scriptwriting. Also, I just love strategy, MOBA, and FPS games like Valorant, Total War, and League of Legends!

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