Homepage » Best Weapons to Play CoD Black Ops Cold War Zombie Mode – Part 1

Best Weapons to Play CoD Black Ops Cold War Zombie Mode – Part 1

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombie Mode is a thrilling, adrenaline-filled experience that challenges players to survive against relentless hordes of the undead.

The key to survival in this mode is strategy, quick reflexes, and the right choice of weaponry. As a result, this article will guide you through some of the best weapons to use in CoD Black Ops Cold War Zombies Mode.


The Streetsweeper is a fully automatic shotgun with great power. With a high rate of fire and a large ammo capacity, this weapon is perfect for close combat situations where zombies surround you.

On the other hand, the Streetsweeper can quickly take out a horde of zombies, making it a lifesaver in tight quarters. In addition, its high damage output and wide dispersion make it an ideal choice for those who like to get close to the undead. However, it has a slow reload time, so it is crucial to time your reloads strategically or have a secondary weapon ready.


The AK74u is a submachine gun that offers a great balance of damage, accuracy, and rate of fire. This weapon is a fan favorite due to its versatility. On the other hand, it can be used effectively at both close and medium range, making it a reliable choice for any situation.

In addition, we can also highlight that the AK74u has a high rate of fire, allowing it to mow down zombies quickly. Likewise, its manageable recoil makes it easy to control, even when firing at full speed. With the right accessories, this weapon can change the game’s rules in Zombie mode.

M79 Launcher

The M79 Launcher, also known as the Thumper, is a fast-acting grenade launcher that can cause massive damage to groups of zombies. It is a high-risk, high-reward weapon that can save your life or spell your doom.

On the other hand, the M79 grenade launcher is perfect for taking out large groups of zombies at once, but its slow reload time and the possibility of self-damage make it a weapon that should be used with caution. Despite its drawbacks, the M79 can be a game changer if used correctly, especially when overwhelmed by many zombies.


The M16 is a tactical burst rifle that offers high damage and accuracy at the cost of a slower rate of fire. This weapon is faultless for players who prefer shooting zombies from a distance. The M16’s burst fire allows for accurate shots, meaning you can take out multiple zombies with a single burst if you aim for the head.

Finally, with the right accessories, the M16 can be converted to a semi-automatic rifle, increasing its fire rate and making it even more lethal. However, the M16 may not be the best weapon for close combat, but its high damage production and accuracy make it a formidable weapon in Zombies mode.

Choosing the right weapon in CoD Black Ops Cold War Zombies mode can mean the difference between life and death. Whether you prefer the melee devastation of the Streetsweeper, the versatility of the AK74u, the explosive power of the M79 Launcher, or the accuracy of the M16, each weapon has its strengths and weaknesses. Finally, stay tuned for part two, where we’ll discuss more weapons to help you survive the zombie apocalypse.

Written by
Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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