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League of Legends Support: Tips and Strategies for Mastering the Role

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League of Legends Support is an essential role in the popular online game of strategy and teamwork. The support player’s primary objective is to protect and assist their team’s damage dealers, known as carries, to help them secure kills and objectives. The support player’s duties include warding, healing, crowd control, and providing vision for their team.

In League of Legends, the support role is critical to the success of a team. The support player’s job is to keep their team alive and to provide them with the necessary tools to win the game. The support player is also responsible for setting up kills for their team’s carries by disabling the enemy team’s champions with crowd control abilities. The support player’s role is not only important in the early stages of the game but also in the late game where they can provide vision and protect their team’s carries from enemy assassins.

Whether you are new to League of Legends or a seasoned veteran, understanding the importance of the support role is crucial to winning games. A good support player can make all the difference in a game by providing their team with the necessary tools to succeed. In the following sections, we will explore the different aspects of the support role, including champion selection, itemization, and gameplay strategies.

Roles and Responsibilities

League of Legends supports play a crucial role in their team’s success. Here are some of the key roles and responsibilities of a support player:

Support Types

There are several types of support champions in League of Legends, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Some champions are focused on healing and protecting their allies, while others excel at crowd control or dealing damage. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each champion is crucial for a support player.

Warding Strategy

Warding is an essential part of a support player’s job. Proper warding can provide valuable information on the enemy’s movements and prevent surprise attacks. A support player should have a good understanding of the map and know where to place wards to maximize their effectiveness.

Lane Presence

A support player’s presence in the lane can be a deciding factor in the outcome of the game. A good support player should be able to balance aggression and defense, knowing when to engage in fights and when to back off. They should also be able to protect their ADC and help them secure kills.

Roaming and Map Awareness

Support players should also have good map awareness and be able to roam effectively. Roaming can help secure kills in other lanes and provide valuable vision for the team. However, it’s important to roam at the right time and not leave your ADC vulnerable.

In summary, a support player’s job is to protect and assist their team while providing valuable vision and information. By mastering their roles and responsibilities, a support player can greatly improve their team’s chances of success.

Champion Selection

When it comes to playing support in League of Legends, choosing the right champion can make all the difference. In this section, we’ll take a look at some important factors to consider when selecting a champion, including meta picks, counter picks, and synergy with ADC.

Meta Picks

Meta picks are champions that are currently popular and strong in the current patch. These champions are often picked by professional players and have high win rates in ranked games. Some of the top meta picks for support in League of Legends include Thresh, Leona, and Janna. These champions have a variety of strengths, including crowd control, shielding, and engage potential. It’s important to keep an eye on the meta and consider playing these champions if they fit your playstyle.

Counter Picks

Counter picks are champions that are strong against the enemy team’s composition. These champions can be picked to deny the enemy team’s strategy or to exploit weaknesses in their composition. For example, if the enemy team has a lot of crowd control, playing a champion with a spell shield or tenacity can be very effective. Some counter picks for support in League of Legends include Morgana, Braum, and Nami. It’s important to have a few counter picks in your champion pool to be able to adapt to different situations.

Synergy with ADC

Support and ADC synergy is crucial for success in the bot lane. Some champions work better with certain ADCs due to their abilities and playstyle. For example, a support with strong engage potential like Leona works well with an ADC with burst damage like Jhin. On the other hand, a support with shielding abilities like Lulu works well with an ADC with sustained damage like Vayne. It’s important to communicate with your ADC and choose a champion that complements their playstyle.

In summary, choosing the right champion for support in League of Legends can greatly impact your chances of success. Considering meta picks, counter picks, and synergy with ADC are all important factors to keep in mind when selecting a champion.


Itemization is one of the most challenging aspects of League of Legends to learn as a beginner. Knowing what items to buy and when to buy them can be overwhelming, but it is essential for success as a support player. In this section, we will discuss the different types of items that support players should consider, including starting items, core build items, and situational items.

Starting Items

Starting items are the first items that support players should purchase when the game begins. These items are essential for laning and provide support players with the necessary tools to assist their allies. The four different starting items available for support players are:

  • Spellthief’s Edge: Provides gold generation and ability power. This item is ideal for poke-oriented supports who want to harass the enemy laners.
  • Relic Shield: Provides gold generation and health regeneration. This item is ideal for tanky supports who want to sustain themselves and their allies.
  • Ancient Coin: Provides gold generation and mana regeneration. This item is ideal for utility-oriented supports who want to provide their allies with additional mana.
  • Doran’s Ring: Provides ability power, health, and mana regeneration. This item is ideal for AP-oriented supports who want to deal more damage.

Core Build

Core build items are the items that support players should aim to purchase after their starting items. These items are essential for support players and provide them with the necessary tools to assist their allies throughout the game. The core build items for support players include:

  • Redemption: Provides health regeneration and a heal for allies in a specific area. This item is ideal for supports who want to provide their allies with additional sustain.
  • Athene’s Unholy Grail: Provides ability power, mana regeneration, and magic resist. This item is ideal for supports who want to deal more damage while also providing their allies with additional mana.
  • Mikael’s Crucible: Provides mana regeneration, magic resist, and a cleanse for allies. This item is ideal for supports who want to protect their allies from crowd control effects.
  • Ardent Censer: Provides attack speed, ability power, and a buff for allies. This item is ideal for supports who want to enhance their allies’ damage output.

Situational Items

Situational items are the items that support players should consider purchasing based on the specific circumstances of the game. These items can vary depending on the enemy team composition, the ally team composition, and the current state of the game. Some situational items that support players should consider include:

  • Zhonya’s Hourglass: Provides ability power and a stasis effect. This item is ideal for supports who want to protect themselves from enemy damage.
  • Knight’s Vow: Provides armor, health, and a damage redirect for allies. This item is ideal for supports who want to protect their allies from enemy damage.
  • Locket of the Iron Solari: Provides armor, magic resist, and a shield for allies. This item is ideal for supports who want to provide their allies with additional protection from enemy damage.

In conclusion, itemization is an essential aspect of playing support in League of Legends. Support players should aim to purchase starting items, core build items, and situational items to provide their allies with the necessary tools to succeed.

Gameplay Mechanics

Skill Shot Proficiency

As a support player in League of Legends, it is important to have good skill shot proficiency. This means being able to land your abilities accurately and consistently. To improve your skill shot proficiency, it is recommended to practice in custom matches against bots or with friends. Additionally, watching replays of professional players or high elo players can help you learn new techniques and improve your overall gameplay.

Cooldown Management

Another important gameplay mechanic for support players is cooldown management. Knowing when to use your abilities and when to save them for a more opportune moment can make a big difference in team fights. It is important to pay attention to your ability cooldowns and communicate with your team to coordinate your abilities effectively. Additionally, building items with cooldown reduction can help you use your abilities more frequently.

Positioning in Team Fights

Positioning in team fights is crucial for support players. You want to stay behind your team and use your abilities to peel for your carries or engage on the enemy team. It is important to stay aware of your surroundings and not get caught out of position, as this can lead to your team losing the fight. Communicating with your team and having good vision control can help you position yourself effectively in team fights.

Communication and Teamwork

Good communication and teamwork are essential components of a successful League of Legends match. Players who are able to work together effectively and communicate clearly have a significant advantage over those who do not. In this section, we will discuss some of the key aspects of communication and teamwork that are important for support players.

Pinging and Alerts

Pinging and alerts are important tools for communicating with your team. Support players should be particularly adept at using these tools to keep their team informed about important events on the map. For example, if an enemy is missing from their lane, the support player should ping the area to alert their team. Similarly, if an objective is about to spawn, the support player should use the alert system to let their team know.

Shot Calling

Shot calling is the practice of making strategic decisions for your team. Support players are often in a good position to make shot calls because they have a good view of the map and can see what is happening in other lanes. Effective shot calling requires clear communication and good decision-making skills. Support players should be comfortable making calls about when to engage in team fights, when to take objectives, and when to retreat.

Objective Control

Objective control is an important part of League of Legends gameplay. Support players should be focused on helping their team secure objectives such as Dragon, Baron, and towers. This requires good communication and teamwork, as well as a strong understanding of the game’s mechanics. Support players should be aware of when objectives are spawning and should work with their team to secure them.

In summary, good communication and teamwork are essential for support players in League of Legends. Players who are able to communicate clearly and work together effectively have a significant advantage over those who do not. Support players should be adept at using pings and alerts, making shot calls, and securing objectives. By focusing on these key areas, support players can help their team achieve victory.

Advanced Tactics

Becoming a successful support in League of Legends requires more than just basic knowledge of the game. Advanced tactics can make a significant difference in the outcome of a match. In this section, we will discuss some of the most important advanced tactics that supports should master.

Vision Denial

Vision is crucial in League of Legends. It allows players to see their enemies and avoid ganks. As a support, it is important to deny vision to the enemy team. This can be achieved by placing wards in strategic locations, such as the enemy jungle or near objectives. Additionally, supports can use abilities that grant temporary vision, such as Ashe’s Hawkshot or Quinn’s Heightened Senses, to scout the enemy team’s movements.

Buff Control

Controlling buffs can give your team a significant advantage. As a support, you can help your team secure buffs by timing your abilities and summoner spells correctly. For example, using Smite to secure the Rift Scuttler can provide your team with vision and movement speed. Similarly, using abilities like Thresh’s Flay or Blitzcrank’s Rocket Grab to steal an enemy’s buff can deny them valuable resources.

Late-Game Impact

Supports often have a significant impact on the outcome of late-game team fights. As a support, it is important to position yourself correctly and use your abilities strategically. For example, using Janna’s Monsoon to knock back enemies and heal allies can turn the tide of a team fight. Additionally, supports can use items like Mikael’s Crucible or Redemption to provide additional utility and healing to their team.

By mastering these advanced tactics, supports can become a valuable asset to their team and help secure victory in even the most challenging matches.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit a support ticket to Riot for an issue in League of Legends?

If you encounter an issue while playing League of Legends, you can submit a support ticket to Riot Games. To do so, go to the League of Legends Support website and click on the “Submit a request” button. You will be asked to provide some basic information about your issue, such as your account name, server, and a description of the problem. Riot Games will review your ticket and respond to you as soon as possible.

What are the top support champions in the current meta?

The current meta in League of Legends is constantly changing, but there are some support champions that are currently popular among players. Some of the top support champions in the current meta include Thresh, Leona, and Nami. However, it’s important to note that the best support champion for you will depend on your playstyle and the composition of your team.

Can I retrieve my Riot account if I’ve forgotten the login details?

Yes, if you’ve forgotten your Riot account login details, you can retrieve your account by following a few simple steps. Go to the Riot Games website and click on the “Forgot Password” link. You will be asked to enter your email address or username associated with your account. Riot Games will send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.

What steps should I follow if I encounter a bug while playing League of Legends?

If you encounter a bug while playing League of Legends, you should report it to Riot Games as soon as possible. To do so, go to the League of Legends Support website and click on the “Submit a request” button. When filling out the support ticket, make sure to provide as much detail as possible about the bug, including what happened, where it occurred, and what steps you took before the bug occurred.

How can I contact Riot Support via email for game-related inquiries?

Riot Support can be contacted via email for game-related inquiries. To do so, go to the League of Legends Support website and click on the “Submit a request” button. You will be asked to provide some basic information about your issue, such as your account name, server, and a description of the problem. Riot Games will review your ticket and respond to you as soon as possible.

What are the best practices for playing a support role in League of Legends?

Playing a support role in League of Legends requires a different set of skills than playing other roles. Some best practices for playing a support role include focusing on vision control, staying alive during team fights, and providing utility for your team. Additionally, it’s important to communicate with your team and coordinate with your ADC to ensure that you’re both on the same page.

Written by
Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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