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Dota 2 The International 2023: The tournament’s least chosen heroes

Dota 2 The International 2023, the biggest esports event of the year, has come and gone, leaving behind a trail of intense battles, strategic plays, and surprising hero picks. However, amidst the variety of heroes chosen, some were barely seen in the spotlight. This article delves into the lesser-chosen heroes of the tournament, trying to understand why the players overlooked them.

Drow Ranger

First on the list is the Drow Ranger. Known for her ability to inflict massive physical damage at range, the Drow Ranger is a classic carry hero. However, in the 2023 International, she was one of the least chosen heroes. The main reason was her lack of mobility and escape mechanisms, which made her an easy target in the fast-paced, gang-filled tournament meta. In addition, her ultimate Aim ability, which greatly increases her damage, is void if enemies get too close, making her a risky choice against heroes who can close distances quickly.

Shadow Shaman

Next up is Shadow Shaman, a versatile support hero with powerful crowd-control abilities. Despite his usefulness, Shadow Shaman was rarely chosen. The main reason was his slow movement speed and survivability. In a meta dominated by heroes with high mobility and burst damage, Shadow Shaman was often outclassed. In addition, while powerful, his ultimate, Mass Serpent Ward, is easily countered by heroes who can quickly remove wards.

Winter Wyvern

Winter Wyvern, another support hero, was also among the least chosen. Her abilities focus on crowd control and healing, making her a defensive choice. However, The International 2023 meta favored aggressive playstyles, leaving little room for defensive heroes like Winter Wyvern. His ultimate ability, Winter’s Curse, can turn teamfights around but requires precise timing and positioning, increasing the risk of choosing it.


Lion, a hero known for his powerful disable and burst damage, was rarely chosen. Despite his powerful abilities, Lion’s low health and lack of escape mechanisms make him an easy target for enemy heroes. His ultimate ability, Finger of Death, can instantly kill weaker heroes, but its long reuse time makes it less reliable in prolonged combat.


Finally, we have Abaddon, a durable hero with great healing and damage absorption abilities. Despite his survivability, Abaddon was one of the least chosen heroes. His lack of crowd control and damage output made him less appealing in a meta that favored burst damage and crowd control. His ultimate ability, Borrowed time, can keep him alive in extreme situations, but it hardly turns the tide of battles.

In conclusion, while these heroes have their strengths, they were overshadowed by The International 2023 meta, which favored mobility, burst damage, and crowd control. However, Dota 2 is a constantly evolving game, and it is only a matter of time before these heroes find their place in the limelight again.

Written by
Justin is a gaming journalist known for his coverage of the video game industry, with a focus on the business and labor practices of major video game companies. He is a contributing editor at Fragster and has written for a variety of other publications, including Wired and Polygon. He is known for his investigative reporting and his efforts to shed light on the often tumultuous inner workings of the video game industry.

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