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War Hospital Gets X-Ray DLC With Marie Curie

War Hospital X-Ray DLC Key Art

World War I-themed management game War Hospital gets its new X-Ray DLC today, which also allows players to assist the esteemed scientist Marie Curie while managing their field hospitals.

According to developer Brave Lamb, War Hospital’s X-Ray DLC adds another playable chapter for the game, or an equivalent of about five hours’ worth of gameplay. In the DLC’s story, players must help Marie Curie find the resources needed to repair the Petite Curie – the mobile X-ray vehicle that was brought to the battlefield during the war.

Michał Dziwnie, director of Brave Lamb Studio, explained why the X-Ray DLC was important not only to the game’s narrative but also to the studio itself.

“We decided to include Maria Skłodowska in the game’s plot, since it reflects the essence of War Hospital, which is all about saving human lives. We are also proud to be able to include a Polish accent in our game. During World War One, our country was not even on the map, so at the time it unfortunately could not enjoy the prestige associated with this phenomenon.”

The X-Ray DLC is War Hospital’s first additional content and is available now on Steam, PlayStation Store, and Microsoft Store for $4.99. Those who purchased the Supporter Edition or upgraded to it should already have the X-Ray DLC accessible to them, along with the digital artbook and the original soundtrack.

What else is new with War Hospital?

Aside from the X-Ray DLC, War Hospital also received a small update that fixes the following problems for PC players:

  • Fixed a potential memory leak that could bug out a truck on the scout map after taking certain steps
  • Fixed memory leak that could happen upon losing the game
  • The Load Game UI invoked after losing is no longer windowed
  • A truck which was cancelled now properly can be assigned again onto a depot
  • Added “Set Default” button to Options UI
  • Fixed ADS ambulances sometimes not driving off to CCS after being given 2 wounded to carry

About War Hospital

Halfway between the real-time strategy and survival genres, War Hospital is a management game unique in its kind, where the player must make tough moral choices as they progress. The gameplay involves managing a WW1 field hospital, but also the treatment and recovery of soldiers injured in battle. Playing as Major Henry Wells, they will be responsible for running a British field hospital in a fictitious town in Northern France.

The game also has the following features:

  • A documented game, particularly thanks to its partnership with London’s Imperial War Museum.
  • A perfect balance between real-time strategy and survival game
  • Simultaneous management of a host of resources of varied usefulness
  • Choices with short and long-term consequences
  • A morale system affecting the behavior of the medical teams
  • Individual stories with complex implications 
  • Humanized units, varied in their workings and impacts
  • Multiple distinct end scenarios
  • A system of trenches desperate for recovered soldiers to face the enemy 
  • Playable both with keyboard/mouse and controller 
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I started writing about video games in 2016, and haven't looked back since. It's been an amazing journey discovering new games and meeting the people behind them. Fueled by litres of tea and nightly legendary skirmishes on Halo Wars with my husband.

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