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The 5 Best Singleplayer Campaigns of All Time

There’s a charm to multi-player games; all the coordination, teamwork, and satisfying synchrony. Sometimes, though, all you want is some simple action and adventure at your own pace, and that’s where singleplayer game modes shine. Some of the best singleplayer campaigns form the heart of a game, seamlessly weaving rich storytelling into action-filled gameplay. From adventure to warfare, here’s the 5 best singleplayer campaigns of all time.

Quick List: Top 5 Singleplayer Campaigns

Are you looking for something to play by yourself but still with the thrill, action, and excitement? Maybe throw in some emotional storylines and philosophical questions too, as the best singleplayer campaigns of all time have most of these elements. Here are the games with the most interesting campaigns for solo gaming, based on player discussions throughout the years:

  • Titanfall 2
  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
  • DOOM Eternal 
  • BioShock

Titanfall 2 

Titanfall 2‘s campaign is a masterclass in innovative game design, and that’s saying something about an industry that’s not exactly known for its best work in creating an atmosphere. Players step inside of Jack Cooper–and he forms an intense bond with his titan, BT-7274. Its emotional storytelling and groundbreaking level design make various clearances in its single player campaigns the game’s best. Playing each mission is an adventure; new mechanics are constantly introduced to keep players entertained, from time shifter levels to heart pounding mech combat.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Storytelling at its finest is Rockstar‘s magnum opus. Playing as Arthur Morgan, players will come to experience a world that painstakingly thought over each and every character interaction. It’s kind of mind blowing, conversations affect future happenings and the environments react to everything the player does. This isn’t a game though, it’s an interactive narrative that changes what the best single player campaign can be.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 

The campaign in Infinite Warfare is often overlooked, and launches players into space, but gives players a fresh perspective on the military shooter genre. It’s an intense combat experience that actually has a surprisingly emotional narrative behind duty, sacrifice, and humanity. It goes all the way to raise its space combat sequences, its storytelling to the level of typical military shooters.

DOOM Eternal 

For those that just want pure unfiltered action, DOOM Eternal is the best that it can be. Players get to be the ultimate demon slaughter maching, but in a game so flud and intense it feels like a symphony of destruction. Story sits secondary to gameplay, but the campaign’s barest (though at times enough) backstory of humanity’s final stand against incarnations of hellish invaders helps hook players.


There is no game that says it better than BioShock; Video Games can explore the complex themes. Rapture is underwater city and the game is set there and it’s a haunting exploration of political ideology and human nature. This is one of the most intellectually stimulating single player campaigns ever generated: players uncover a story which challenges moral assumptions.


These 5 games prove that best single player campaign is more than just fun — it’s interactional art that can bring thoughts, emotions and keep you in remembrance long after the last credits roll.

No matter if you’re a casual player or technical hard core gamer, these titles are the ‘gold star’ when it comes to single player story telling. Each also affords an individual way in, and each proves video games are a formidable medium for narrative expression.

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I am an award-winning professional Freelance Writer with over 2 years of experience writing for Content Creators and Companies. My work includes SEO, Copywriting, Blog Writing, Content Writing, and Scriptwriting. Also, I just love strategy, MOBA, and FPS games like Valorant, Total War, and League of Legends!

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