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Alan Wake Remastered Beginner Guide: Tips and Tricks

Don’t let Remedy’s psychological thriller scare the fun out of your experience. Even with the difficult gameplay mechanics, players can still enjoy Alan Wake Remastered with these tips and tricks. See everything you need to perfect in this Alan Wake Remastered beginner guide.

Choose Normal Difficulty For Your First Playthrough

First thing to do for Alan Wake Remastered beginner guide is to pick the comfortable difficulty. The game offers players several difficulty settings which include easy, normal, and nightmare. However, the most ideal for first-timers is the normal since it’ll allow players to appreciate the story while in action.

Meanwhile, easy mode can feel too easy and simple for some, especially those with experience from similar games. But if you prefer tougher challenges, then the Nightmare mode should be your go-to. It’ll get frustratingly hard and is best saved for subsequent playthroughs. Also, some collectibles are only available in this setting.

Master The Camera Controls

If you want to ensure your survival, then work on mastering the camera controls. It’ll be the over-the-shoulder camera view that will keep you alive until the end of the game. Keep in mind the right analog stick to switch shoulders.

With this simple technique, players can improve their aim and visibility around corners. Also, they can work on experimenting with which shoulder positions work best for some combat scenarios. Some players have preferences for these tiny gamefight details.

Don’t Hoard Your Resources

Now, Alan starts every episode with new equipment to keep every experience different. With this mechanic, all unused resources from previous episodes are lost. So it’ll be a waste to hoard your resources throughout an episode. 

Use your ammunition and supplies as much as needed in the game. Don’t hesitate to use these once you’re in an extremely tough situation. Work wisely on what you have available to ensure your game survival. 

Learn to Use Light Effectively

One of the items you should keep in Alan Wake Remastered is the flashlight. It’ll serve as your primary weapon against the Taken since it can damage enemies. This happens by simply pointing the light at them without focusing the beam.

Through this, you can conserve battery power when against single enemies. But use the focused beam once you’re surrounded by multiple threats to make sure you make it out alive.

Know When to Fight and When to Run

Alan Wake Remastered isn’t the typical shooter game that everyone is familiar with. That’s why this Alan Wake Remastered beginner guide suggests players to run sometimes. It is not necessary to eliminate opponents in every encounter. 

Remember that you have to be smart with your resources. What you have to do is to assess first whether it’ll be safe to run past the checkpoint. This strategy will help you conserve your resources especially when low. Aside from running, make sure to master retreat and doing skills as well.

Understand Enemy Types

Taken usually has blurry shadow around which identifies them as the primary enemy of players in Alan Wake. However, there are different Taken that appear throughout the gameplay and have varying abilities. So, it’ll be best for you to prepare varying strategies to effectively take these opponents down.

  • Basic Taken are vulnerable to standard flashlight and revolver combinations.
  • Runner Taken requires quick reflexes due to their speed and flanking tactics.
  • Assault/Woodsmen Taken need more firepower and are best handled with shotguns or rifles.
  • Chainsaw Taken are the toughest standard enemies and warrant using your best weapons.

Explore Off the Beaten Path

Exploring the beaten path gives you the rewards needed. Alan Wake Remastered only shows the main objective in the mini-map. The valuable resources and collectibles are often hidden in the alternative routes.

What you have to do is to investigate the areas away from the primary path. In these areas, you’ll find ammunition caches, manuscript pages, and other collectibles. These items will help you enhance the gameplay and story progression.

Pay Attention to Environmental Storytelling

There’s more to see in the world of Bright Falls apart from its spooky atmosphere. Bright Falls has rich narrative details that are simply shown in various media in the game. You can try watching TV shows or listening to radio broadcasts to learn about it. You’ll eventually need this for story context and predicting upcoming game challenges.

Use Environmental Hazards

It’s not only the weapons that will save you against the lurking Taken in the game. One of the best weapons that Alan Wake Remastered provided was the environment. Players can use the environmental hazards including explosive objects or light sources against enemies. 

Master the Dodge Mechanic

You can run but the Taken can catch up on you. This is why dodging is an essential mechanic to learn as included in this Alan Wake Remastered beginner guide. It’ll help players with their survival during the intense combat sequences. Try practicing cinematic dodges to avoid multiple enemy attacks once surrounded.  

Follow the Yellow

Follow the yellow markings revealed in the environment once it showed up while using a flashlight. It serves as a visual cue to determine where the supply caches or other secrets are. Moreover, it’ll help players navigate the Bright Falls world more easily to see any secret’s torch marker.


Go launch the game and practice everything shared in this Alan Wake Remastered beginner guide. Through these tips and tricks, you can save yourself some time from committing errors and easily progress. However, don’t forget to still enjoy the game even if it means getting chased or dying from Taken.

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I am an award-winning professional Freelance Writer with over 2 years of experience writing for Content Creators and Companies. My work includes SEO, Copywriting, Blog Writing, Content Writing, and Scriptwriting. Also, I just love strategy, MOBA, and FPS games like Valorant, Total War, and League of Legends!

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